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2005-04-13 14:58:24| 人氣13| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Some nights, in TaiPei

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(sorry for english because i am too lazy to write chinese)
i went to Tai Pei for a week
just for relaxing and want to get away from hong kong for a while.
and of cause thought about my mass relationship.

taipei is really boring
nothing special and dull....but of coz good coffee shop and books.
i met many good people in my Hostel
and my lovely baby Stuart.
they made taipei fun, they light up my trip.
we went to pubs, dancing with oldies but enjoyable~!!
we talked until morning and went to a big river side park which dogs are further more than human being~!!! Great~

i crash with the english bastard, Stuart
but we didn't start anything in tai pei
and the next day after i went back to hong kong, Stuart came to hk
(that's why i write so late to you guys, i spent all my time on him)
we had a great time in hk and remind me the feeling of love (love but not LIKE)
i don't need anybody but stuart, it's much different from before as i desired more and more....haha~!

that's good to have such clear feeling
but the difficulties in me and stuart are distance and, distance.....
he worked in taipei as an english teacher, of cause it is easier for us to see each other now but if i get to france on september, it will be difficult as he want to spend more time in asia.
he is important to me and meant to me
i really hope i can work it out

台長: 邪花
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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