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2005-07-28 19:53:18| 人氣113| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Belle & Sebastian 【I’m Waking Up To Us】

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Belle & Sebastian這張01年發表的三曲EP【I’m Waking Up To Us】好「正」喎!

「I’m Waking Up To Us」--富有60年代流行歌曲味道,Acoustic結他配合輕快的低音結他和響亮的小提琴,再加上令人愉快的鋼琴聲和管樂三重奏,組成一首典型Belle & Sebastian風格的和諧悅耳歌曲。

「I Love My Car」--舒服Indie Pop調子加上簡單歌詞再加上玩味感覺。

「Marx And Engels」--鋼琴聲引導進入如天堂般純潔的快樂三分四十四秒,令人感到極度輕鬆,和玩「食音」的歌名相吻合。

I’m Waking Up To Us - Lyrics

I need someone to take some joy from something I do
You need a man who’s either rich or losing a screw
You know I love you here’s the irony
You’re going to walk away intact
I think you never liked me anyway
You like yourself and you like
Men to kiss your arse
Expensive clothes
Please stop me there
I think I’m waking up to us
We’re a disaster
You don’t want to know me
‘Cause you move in circles of the brave
Where art defines their lives

She was the one love of my life, and I let her go
And if I look like death today,
Then please let her know
I never wanted to do harm to her
I only wanted her to see
The beauty of the world surrounding her
But when she opened up her eyes
It’s much too late
Our chance has gone
She’s with a guy
Who takes the prize for everything I ever showed her
Digging all the fun
Because she’s older
I fed her with a spoon
I made her mother smile
I helped the kid survive

She was the one love of my life,
She showed me the road
I loved her dog, her steady gaze, the chapter is closed
I always wanted all the best for her
The best thing was to stay away
She grew up and she left the rest of us
And now the understanding’s gone
I haven’t changed, how could I?
I’m pretty much the same person
I cannot keep the anger hidden anymore
But lucky for you, you are not around
My anger turns to pity and to love
The season has arrived

I Love My Car - Lyrics

I love my car
I’ll admit today I’ve gone too far
To enamour myself of my little motor car

I love my dog
I love my pussy cat, I love the rat
That lives under the floor and makes his bed from novelettes

I wish I could say the same for you
The day will come soon when I look in your eyes but
I won’t see you

I’ve got a head like a soaking sponge
I’ve got a tongue like a little slug
I won’t be bugged by trivia

I love my Carl
I love my Brian my Dennis and my Al
I could even find it in my head to love Mike Love

I wish I could say the same for you
The day will come soon when I look in your eyes to
see you smiling

Marx And Engels - Lyrics

There’s misery in all I hear and see
From the people on TV
After their tea when life begins again
They’ll be happier than me

There are a thousand meals being made on Saturday
From the view I saw today
I took a bet inside the launderette
With a girl from Wallasey

She spoke in dialect I could not understand
But one thing that she made clear
There was no coming on to her
There was no way


There’s misery in all I hear and see
From the people on TV
After their tea when life begins again
They’ll be happier than me

There are a thousand meals being made on Saturday
From the view I saw today
I took a bet inside the launderette
With a girl from Wallasey

She spoke in dialect I could not understand
But one thing that she made clear
There was no coming on to her
There was no intellect
That she could respect
If it couldn’t see
That the girl just wants to be
Left alone with Marx and Engels for a while
She’s writing in the style
Of any riot girl

“The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a revolutionary part to end all feudal, idyllic relationships.
It has resolved personal worth and in place of freedom is exploitation for profit alone.
There is a spectre of the past in my bold assertion. We could learn much from the past.”

台長: 據點兵長鴨仔
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