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2006-10-14 19:33:17| 人氣131| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

*Pome of prayer*

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          I say Prayer For You Today...
           and i know God must have heard
          I felt the answer in my heart...
           alounght the spoke no word!
          I didnt ask wealth or fame...
            snd i know you would’t mind!
          I ask him to sand treasures
            of a for more lasting kind!
          I asked that he be near you...
            at the start of each new day!
          TO grand you health and blessing...
            and frinens to share your way!
          asked for happiness for you...
          in all things and small!
           but was for all his loving care...
          I praer the mist of all!

台長: Bai
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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

2006-10-14 19:47:45
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