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有興趣的人可以去看看, 因為會有超過2千個藝術家一起展覽(其中包含了5個歷史上相當著名的沙龍展,如獨立沙龍. 比較沙龍. 法國藝術家沙龍....其他的法文我不清楚), 聽教授說今年台灣只有2個人, 一個是我, 另一個.....我也不清楚! 不過我已經訂好機票, 畢竟不能侷限在自我的世界裡, 還是要走出去看看, 想看看這個世界, 還有別的人世界, 我想我這一次去法國最大的意義就是可以看到各式各樣的藝術作品和展覽!!

行程也大約安排好了~~~現在就是努力存錢囉!!! ^^ 雖然我也只是個窮畫家~哈

但是為了實現夢想, 就是得一點一滴的去實行, 總之, 想去看看自己以外的世界是什麼樣!!.........這才是我想要的!!!


rt en Capital

November 23 - 28 2010
The Nave
Art en Capital continues the prestigious tradition of Art Salons while offering an outlet for new creative sensibilities and the emerging talents of the 21st century, with works by over 2,000 artists on show.
Five historic salons all under the same roof provide five good reasons to visit Art en Capital: the Salon des artistes français, the Salon des artistes indépendants, Comparaisons, the Salon du dessin et de la peinture à l'eau (drawings and watercolours), and the Société nationale des beaux-arts.
Heir to the long tradition of painting Salons, Art en Capital is an invitation to take a journey through a world of living art in which all today's trends and identities come face to face as fraternal neighbours.
Each year, the event draws over 40,000 visitors, and artists who have been working in solitude suddenly find themselves all together under the changing skies and majestic cupola of the Grand Palais.
Opening: on November 23 from 2 pm to 10.30 pm, on November 24 and 26 from 11 am to 7.30 pm, on November 25 and 27 from 11 am to 10.30 pm and on November 28 from 11 am to 7.30 pm.
Admission: € 10 - concession € 8

台長: 狸貓
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