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2007-08-16 09:15:44| 人氣723| 回應13 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

New Computer, but no Chinese input....

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* pictured by parents-in-law, Vincent was feeding Erika.

To all my friends,

My husband bought me a new Laptop, however, because of the new Vista system, I can’t install the ’Cantonese easy input’ for Chinese typing.
I can’t type any Chinese now, so, in the mean time, I can only type my articles in English. I wish one day I can type the Chinese again.

Erika is doing very fine now, last week, we brought her to see the doctor and weighed her, she was 8 pounds 9 oz last Tuesday. How nice, it’s doubled her birth weight!

IT’s really a blessing from God.

For her feeding schedule, it’s getting better, sometimes, she takes longer to feed, but sometimes, she is fast.
The good thing is, she can sleep at least 4-5 hours at night, so that both of Vincent and I can have a longer sleep at night too. That means I only need to wake up once during the night, this actually releases my pressure at night.

Many people asked me to pump the milk sometimes so that other people can give a hand. It’s very true, I tried to pump the milk in the past few weeks, it worked well. My parents-in-law did help a lot in the past 3 weeks, because they could help out the feeding time (while I could rest during the feeding time.)

My parents-in-law just left to HK tonight.
They miss Erika a lot I think, yeah, on their hearts, Erika is so cute and they just love to hug and cuddle her.

Now, I have to take care of the baby on my own (during the day) , I hope I can get used to this ”NEW MOM” job.

It’s not easy though,
I have to do the housework, feed the baby, rest whenever I can, and need to step into the kitchen to cook again.

In the past 7 weeks, I didn’t need to touch anything in the kitchen, I felt so good , because my mom and mom-in-law helped me to cook,so that I can fully concentrate on taking care of the baby.

I really need more energy, power, and wisdom to be a real mom of Erika.
I think, I need to pray more for that.

Right now, I want to say THANK YOU to both MOMs (my mom and mom-in-law) I know that both of you did LOTS of things to help me out. I know it, and I really appreciate that. :)

May God bless all the moms, I can fully understand how hard to be a mom and how much energy we have to put to take care of the family.

I love her face, looks like a pear.. haha
A very close up of Erika. Funny!
That’s me and Erika!
This is the first time that we brought Erika out for dinner. She was behaving very well (didn’t cry loudly in the restaurant.)
What do you think when Erika wear in blue?
I think she looks like a ”BOY” with this blue.
She was taking a nap during the day in the stroller.
I love her raised hands while sleeping, it’s so cute!

All the pictures were taken by Grandma and Grandpa.

台長: 普通人
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: Erika 生活點滴 |


2007-08-16 10:41:36
對呀, 要自己一個人照顧寶寶確是不易!
2007-08-22 01:45:44
Lillian 努力呀!做個開心快樂又不緊張的媽咪!
2007-08-16 11:24:10
She looks just like angle!
I believe you can do it well,don`t worry!
2007-08-16 11:36:51
Erika 真的大了許多,好可愛唷!
她穿著那藍色的上衣,真的有少許像男仔樣啊! :)
2007-08-16 15:26:16
B22 花子
2007-08-16 18:10:10

2007-08-16 23:04:05
Wow...she is so cute.
I was busy for my thesis. When I came back, then you gave the birth. She is really a cute gift from God. Congratulations!
2007-08-17 01:37:08
Little Pear
Awww.... Erika got a pear face too. How cute! ha ha ha... She looks absolutely adorable. What a little angel to be with every single day. Too bad I don`t have any mothering skills to share.... but I`m sure you`re doing a GREAT job!
2007-08-17 10:42:13
2007-08-17 12:44:13
2007-08-20 14:55:17
Happy to see Erika has grown so much and gain lots on the face, really want to pinch it. God bless you on your journey of being a mother. Add oil! Seeing her napping happily must be your greatest reward. E-mail when have time, haven`t connect for awhile. Take care.
2007-08-21 11:09:54
2007-08-21 17:18:38
Erika wear in blue,she looks like a ”BOY`&quot
2007-08-24 08:54:07