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【Donnie Darko】璧花合唱團:夢遊的人

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【Donnie Darko】璧花合唱團:夢遊的人

「Sleepwalker take this knife,You may see someone tonight...」
「You'd be the one to save my life,When I'm dead asleep dreaming」

the Wallflowers - sleepwalker

Maybe I could be the one they adored
That could be my reputation
It's where I'm from that lets them think I'm a whore
I'm an educated virgin

Now sleepwalker don't be shy
Don't open your eyes tonight
You'll be the one that defends my life
While I'm dead asleep dreaming

Cupid don't draw back your bow
Sam Cooke didn't know what I know
I'll never be your valentine
The sleepwalker in me and god
Only know that I've tried

Let me in, let me drown or learn how to swim
Just don't leave me at the window
I could be the one to be your next best friend
You may need someone to hold you

Sleepwalker take this knife
You may see someone tonight...
You'd be the one to save my life
When I'm dead asleep dreaming

Now cupid don't draw back your bow
Sam Cooke didn't know what I know
Never be your valentine
The sleepwalker in me and god
Only know that I've tried

I'm in your movie
And everyone looks sad
I can hear you
Your voice in the laugh track
But you never saw my best scene
The one where I sleep
Sleepwalk into your dream

Now, sleepwalker, what's my line
It's only a matter of time until I
Learn to open up my eyes
When I'm dead asleep dreaming

Now cupid, don't draw back your bow
Sam Cooke didn't know what I know
Never be your valentine
The sleepwalker in me
Now the sleepwalker in me
Now the sleepwalker in me
And god only know that I've tried

Words and Music by Jakob Dylan
(p) & (c) 2000 Interscope Records


台長: 給吸血鬼的情歌
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