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2009-03-04 02:12:56| 人氣97| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Three of You all deserve it !!!!!! the curse will be valid till the world comes to an end!!!

自問有信心可以拿高分,可是我連above mean都無!發生什麼事!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!

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1. LUMLUM 2次most du野 ,史上最angry,我才發現lumlum原來一點都唔sensitive,take everything for granted........... AI.. 現在好d ge ....................... 我也從此出現了一些變化 .... hard to say it is good or bad

2. CALIFORNIA!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 自己無法接受的事實。只怪自己一時好心幫你地做下問卷,怎料你地竟然利用我這份好心。還要一而再,再而三地挑戰我的EQ,你地兩個理應受到我二十級詛咒!!!!!!

3. High Heel Shoe omg ! 經歷cal事件,這件事算是小毛。After these two incidents, SALES is the world’s most unreliable animal!!!!!!!! 對sales好感是negative infinity!!!

Job hunting - 本人依舊開放樂觀態度,看看幸運之神能否關照下自己

Frds - Macao frds are the best ........ complicated .......... as my frd circle is getting bigger and bigger, tht doesnt mean what i want is what i really get. Excitement and Disappointment always happen even in frdship.. anyway............ it’s not always hurting me much if any!

Lumlum - One point that you didnt change is that you REALLY like to talk about girls, of cos, PRETTY girls. Guess you really cant control it. No matter where we are, who are we with, you just like to talk about them. Sometimes, I will ask myself if tht’s ok. But most of the time, it is just too much. I will really want to stop.............. hofan!!!

In some cases, I am in a dilemma as you are trying to comfort me yet still like to talk about them all the time, My feeling is so contradicting!!! Honestly, I really endure it to a certain extent that I really hope you can change it as I cant put up with it esp when we might live together.

All of these factors or incidents above, (x) is, in fact, the true reason to adversely affect my emotion.

My sky is ..............

My life is ..............

Why can I embrace happiness a bit longer? Seldom have I experienced TRUE HAPPINESS.

台長: *FancyLenG *


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