先quote 貓貓--
-----Original Message-----
From: 百合
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 10:47 AM
To: 魚蛋, ah b
Subject: flower
last night i cried before 狼... i told him "i am so bored. the more
things i do to keep me busy, the more i feel bored. at the moment now i dun
mean to go for suicide, but boring life really have no meaning...." not 在佢
面前做戲, 真的有這個感覺. ... 悶到喊....
-----Original Message-----
From: ah b
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 11:12 AM
To: 魚蛋, 百合
Subject: RE: flower
hai, I understand you feel very sun fu for boring life. but what else you
can do afterwards le........
perhaps go to 3rd world to do yi gong will be helpful for you to find
meaning of life gua..... (ah b: 其實我真係諗過, 尤其係睇完蘇丹篇文章之後)
or 如慾望若被滿足等於厭倦?....
-----Original Message-----
From: 百合
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 12:47 PM
To: ah b ; 魚蛋
Subject: RE: flower
the lyrics you quotes from wa wa hon tin ha is true
but not my case
my case is, my desire has not been satisfied for a too long period
-----Original Message-----
From: 魚蛋
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 12:56 PM
To: 百合, ah b
Subject: RE: flower
HOw long?
that lyric is from wa wa hon tin ha mea??
Anyway, I think I'll just find a way to do some innovative things... I
can't stay like this... that's why I have gone for the modelling thing and
hope it can work out la...
-----Original Message-----
From: ah b
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:10 PM
To: 魚蛋; 百合
Subject: 驗屍部
魚蛋, I met 百合 at the ground floor of my working place!
原來百合今日0係lai chi kok working..... 佢話見到我公司d van 仔, 唔見下我
but we didn't have lunch together since we met after lunch~ then she needs
go to ching yi afterwards, cannot access internet la
I was little bit surpriced since 百合 gave me a hug, while many of my 工友
that we know each other see this~ hehe, will they think that I'm a les??
-----Original Message-----
From: 百合
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:18 PM
To: ah b ; 魚蛋
Subject: RE: 驗屍部
tell you what, actually i cried alone in toilet this lunch....
at the office opposite to ahb's office
// 講到底, 其實我真係有d 擔心百合..........
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