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2004-08-17 08:12:47| 人氣65| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wrap Day

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Todaythe girl wrap for me is the most amazing look gal in my class.She looks just like princess...and behaves very elegant and composed.I felt agitated to be her client,and everytime when I am stirring,I cant speak eng well, I cant keep myself together ,even sentence like :what we doing next?"I just very nervy.At frist I didnt say much words to her, she might think I m not a easy-going girl,but after I wax her arms,we really became very good friends.Some gals in the school become my best firends.I didnt chat much with my ex-college classmates,I felt nothing to say with them,I was the girl who like to be alone.
goah,this school makes me warm.

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