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2006-08-27 16:11:43| 人氣84| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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A woman, a name, a legend.

Her name was Gabrielle, her nickname was Mademoiselle, but she will always be known as Coco.

By transforming practicality into an aesthetic, she set women free and invented a unique style that is both utterly personal and universally recongnised.

台長: laPrincesse
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全站分類: 流行時尚(美容彩妝、保養、造型、塑身、流行情報) | 個人分類: Brands/ Trend/Fashion news |
此分類下一篇:Patricia Urquiola
此分類上一篇:Little Black Dress

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