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2011-09-11 10:43:00 | 人氣15| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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KWill returns with ‘My Heart is Beating’ on Inkigayo

Having slimmed down considerably since his last album promotions, K-Will is back on stage with his new image and title song, “My Heart is Beating“, on this week’s Inkigayo stage.

His title track is the impressive combo work of composer Kim Do Hoon, who’s known for producing for Wheesung, Lee Seung Gi, and CNBLUE, and lyricist Kim Eana, who wrote hit tracks such as IU’s “Good Day” and the Brown Eyed Girls‘ “Abracadabra.

This medium tempo ballad track features a fun melody with a dynamic sound that work in tune with the explosive vocals K-Will is known for.

Check out his comeback stage below including a performance of “I Can’t Find the Words.”

台長: lanza09746
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此分類下一篇:SS501′s Hyung Jun teaches K.Will the ‘foot dance’
此分類上一篇:KWill returns with ‘My Heart is Beating’ on Music Core

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