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2007-12-21 12:05:15| 人氣191| 回應9 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

"If I can stop one Heart from breaking"

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Emily Dickinson

If I can stop one Heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one Life the Aching
Or cool one Pain
Or help one fainting Robin
Unto his Nest again
I shall not live in Vain.

If my photo can help one mind keep functioning
I shall not live in vain
If I can boost one person up
And remind him to write again
I shall not live in Vain.
(Actually I am just showing off my new toy--my new camera.)

台長: Yvette
人氣(191) | 回應(9)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)
全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: Yvette at play |

2007-12-22 14:58:16
I think enlightment can cure the broken heart.
2007-12-22 15:42:41
S to Sidney
2007-12-22 18:40:23
我們的生活中的確有一大堆難解的問題呀!要用一生來回答。也許 Paul 會用佛經經典裡的大智慧言語來答這些問題,可惜他太忙了。他夫妻倆都沒有我們這些人的「閒功夫」。

我以為 Sophia 要說電視上出現「我們第一美男子」上鏡頭講鄭元暢呢!
2007-12-23 19:04:28
To YV and Those Who
Sigh not for me
For I no longer see
The Gothic peak; at times I peek
The massive melancholy meak
Shadowers, among whom an ordinary me

Puppets with the best to prink
A-waiting an enlightment to blink
Stopping at sight of the fringe
Deflected to only cringe
The saddest thing to do is prink

Prink for life, prink for thee
`Cause you, a religion to me
2007-12-23 20:36:52
Ah! Here is a poet with the same old sense and sensibility!
Wow! A puppet, huh?!
No! I don`t sigh for you, dear puppet. God will give you the moments and moments of insight, which you keep safe in your bosom! I knew it; I have always known it.

Typos?---enlightenment 和 meek 吧?! Also, by Liz?
2007-12-23 21:02:05
To Pure Religion
Whatever you say, proven through these years, has been the true
2007-12-23 22:27:12
的確是 pure religion!

(我不是 Christian, 卻在這種機緣體驗 ecstasy, 相當不可思議!只能說:Wordsworth 真是很好的傳道士。)
2007-12-23 23:56:55

I will try to make what I say to be &quotthe good&quot and &quotthe beautiful.&quot Haha!! (Am I really trying?)
2007-12-24 01:01:28
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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