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2007-03-07 18:43:04| 人氣3,047| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Kerri’s new dress

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I’m Kerri, I’m very short, I have blue gray eyes. I just bought a new dress but it’s cold today, so i can’t wear it. If you come to my class, I will wear it for you, please come, cheers...
Please register or leave a message, tell me what date you will come, i will prepare this dress for you~

To my current students

You’re all fantastic~ especailly EMERALD, I mean RUBY and TIM, because I know he is at work and will read this right now~

Also, you guys know I never wear dresses but I will make more of an effort when the weather doesn’t suck.

Futhermore, thank you to Naomi Watts and her lovely Camel for joining class on Tuesday.

Kerri loves you all~

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