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2009-05-19 17:26:53| 人氣146| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Jonathan Steingard-Heart Set

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Song:Heart Set
Artist:Jonathan Steingard
Album:Under the Canopy

When did you talk to me
When did I know your name
When were you close to me
When did we feel the thing
How is everything isn't that we looked that
But you are to blame for theirs
I took a stair away from you
I thought that you've taken one to
ut I got my heart set on you
And I can't go back
I don't know what to do
But I know you know
that I now I found something true
And I'm holding on to you
I'm holding on to you

when did I grow to old
when did I learn too much
When did I start to trust
Only what I can see and touch
you never turned away
not even when I find
you never wait it for me to get it right
I took a stair away from you
I thought that you've taken one to
But I got my heart set on you
and I can't go back
I don't know what to do
But I know you Know
That I now I found something true
And I'm holding on to you
I'm holding on to you

I will always be looking for the right things to see
But my words feel sure
so I learn to turn around and back away
and see nothing at all 
Coz when I can't trust or I can't see
I find it hard to
but if that you are never ever
keeping scold on me


台長: Luis-24
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 好歌... |
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