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2004-01-31 17:47:00| 人氣100| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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{picture: lost in the world of medicine & surgery and 8 panels}

By looking at the title... obviously I'm lacking behind of my study plan.
I was supposed to finish PCAR and some PHOM ga ma... then...PHOM - haven't started; PCAR- 4 pages left but reluctant to finish. What am I doing now? Trying to clear up the notes in Panel of reproduction.

The neuroscience notes are piling up AGAIN. Not in a good mood to clerk case since last Thur- all because of a BIG POTATO.

Last Thur we saw some interesting respiratory cases in the ward. We haven't seen that for 2.5 weeks! Are all the respiratory cases hidden in the fever wards?? There was an Out-patient clinic session in the afternoon. I hate OPD la... 8 ppl crowded in a room + 1 patient. ! studnet clerked the patient, 1-2 performed the exam. The others? mo-lui-ing lo~~So many and I decided to run OPD and clkered cases in the ward la.

There was a case of pleural effusion. But the patient rejected us... jui sui the masks la.. we look so bengin and lovely without the masks ma... In fact ng gwan the patient si gei.. he was examined by a group of Med 5 la I guess.

Then we went to see other cases. A call from our groupmate - wow so gang, Big Potato was on fire... so we rushed down to the OPD.

"Are you more happy clerking cases on your own in the ward than coming to the OPD?"
"Yes!" << in my heart

Ai!! wasted 2 hours or so in the OPD... saw one case only - epigastric pain! How mo loi! And! Big potato only saw one case. The other small potatoes must be xx her in their minds la. It was only 4 pm when she left. When she was trying (obviously succeeded) to escape the OPD (her 1-case-only OPD), "Can I leave now? wahahaha?" she asked the nurse. Actually she was leaving la -__-|||||||||

"What programme do you have tomorrow morning? Follow me in the walk round...."
She said we gotta learn to be "systematic"... aii chung chi reluctant x 999999 to go back on our day-off day la... I planned to finish PCAR and some PHOM ga ma... see plan destroyed... and gotta wake up early in order to *APPEAR*!!

One groupmate gotta visit physiotherapist, while the other one gotta see a doctor.
"Let me think of one illness in order to escape sin..."
"You? MR la! MR =/= mitral regurgitation wor. = mental retardation for you!" <
Big potato kept complaining about the slow spped of the small potatoes-- charm~~~~

Women got the greatest power in hospital the pinky.

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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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