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【首選】Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt 開店送禮推薦人氣商品排行榜

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Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt



Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt










Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt 設計式樣: Red · 2018

The Brevi child safety seat CX Isofix tt ensures safe and secure trips for babies and infants right from birth up to an age of approx. 4 years. Your child will enjoy every ride in the soft and comfortable seat shell.

Group/ weight category:


  • Group 0+/ 1 car seat suitable for children with a weight of 0 up to 18 kg

  • Age suitability: from birth up to approx. 4 years

Conforms to the norm:

Especially during your little one's first months, the adjustment of the recline position is one of the most important features parents look for when buying a child safety seat. The CX Isofix tt features five different relax positions that can be adjusted easily without disturbing your child.

When the Brevi CX Isofix tt is used as a group 0+ car seat, it has to be installed in a rear-facing mode and needs to be attached with your car's own seatbelt. The spacious seat is perfect for the smallest among us to cuddle up and feel super comfy. The detachable new-born insert and an additional base 0+ which is to be attached on the bottom side of the car seat, ensure a correct lying position. The padded five-point harness supplies your child with safety and comfort. Magnets on the side retain the belts you that you can easily lift your child into the seat and fasten him properly. The combination of the DSIP system (double side impact protection) and the soft padded headrest which supports your child's head, supplies him with maximum side impact protection. The tough and resistant material of the shell and the deep sitting position protect your child's head, neck and shoulders as well as his pelvis and legs.

At the age of 9 months or else a weight of approx. 9 kg, the child safety seat is to be attached to your car in a forward-facing mode by using the Isofix connectors and the top tether or else your car's own seatbelt. Colour indicators show you whether the CX Isofix tt is attached correctly.

The Brevi CX Isofix tt adapts perfectly to the growth of your child up to his fourth year. That is why, you can easily adjust the headrest and the built-in harness simultaneously with only one hand in seven different positions.最暢銷產品

Parents will be delighted by the child car seat's easy handling. In combination with the important safety features, the CX Isofix tt accompanies little passengers and ensure highest safety according to the ECE R44/04 norm.


  • Including seat insert and base 0+

  • Installation as group 0+ child safety seat: rear-facing mode with car's own seatbelt, usage of base 0+

  • Installation as group 1 child safety seat: forward-facing mode with Isofix connectors and top tether or car's own seatbelt

  • Colour indicator shows whether the Isofix connectors and the top tether are snapped in correctly

  • Headrest and built-in harness can be adjusted simultaneously in seven different positions

  • Adjustment in five different lying positions

  • Integrated five-point harness with shoulder pads, magnets

  • DSIP system (double side impact protection), deep sitting position, tough and resistant material

  • Detachable, soft padded cover that can be washed by hand at 30°C

  • Dimensions: H 67 x W 54 x D 44 cm

  • Weight: 9,2 kg




Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt





美股盤中─英特爾帶動科技股走高 大盤溫和上漲


台北時間 00:08

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Nasdaq 指數上漲 10.90 點或 0.14% 至 8052.87。

S&P 500 指數上漲 2.86 點或 0.10% 至 2916.86。

英特爾股價上漲近 3%。該公司代理執行長 Bob Swan 說,該公司將能達成全年營收展望。英特爾股價上漲,亦拉抬了 S&P 500 的科技股。


9 月 30 日截止期限即將來到,但美國與加拿大仍未能就貿易問題,達成協議。美加兩國試圖達成協議,加拿大才能加入美國與墨西哥達成的協議,取代舊版的北美自由貿易協定 (NAFTA)。該舊版協定遭到川普總統的嚴重抨擊。

2018 年大多時間,貿易一直是美國股市的壓力。投資人試圖評估保護主義政策對全球經濟與企業獲利的衝擊。



美國今日公布 8 月消費者支出上升 0.3%,8 月個人消費支出物價指數 (PCE)-- 聯準會(Fed) 偏好的通貨膨脹指標 -- 年率上升 2%。

分析師說,通貨膨脹年率符合 Fed 的目標,聯邦公開市場委員會 (FOMC) 因而可持續進行利率正常化。由於經濟強勁,消費者物價並無上升壓力,有利股市多頭走勢。

美網男單準決賽 喬科維奇將對戰錦織圭

(法新社紐約5日電) 塞爾維亞名將喬科維奇今天在8強戰以直落三盤,終結世界排名第55的澳洲選手米爾曼的神奇之旅,將在美國網球公開賽準決賽對決日本好手錦織圭。

美網兩屆冠軍喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)以6比3、6比4、6比4打下難纏的米爾曼(John Millman)。這是他近11年來第11次打進美網準決賽。他在2011和2015年奪下金盃。

米爾曼在第4輪爆冷拍下5度美網冠軍費德瑞(Roger Federer)。他今天讓喬科維奇滿場疲於奔命,自己也四處飛奔。兩人在炎熱潮濕的夜晚奮戰2小時49分鐘。

另一組準決賽將由世界排名第一、上屆美網冠軍納達爾(Rafael Nadal)於7日出戰2009年冠軍阿根廷選手戴波特羅(Juan Del Potro)。


32歲納達爾在16強賽花了4小時又49分鐘,終於打下奧地利選手提姆(Dominic Thiem),球賽打到凌晨2時過後才分出勝負。


Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt

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