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2002-10-10 09:41:20| 人氣10| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

still at the lab

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Now it's 6:36 pm. but I have bonches stuff to do. probably I will get home around 7.

remember the guy who just transfered to Davis from Harvard? the guy who looks like Dr. Wei? well, I am going to borrow his digital camera during the trip to Lake Tahoe. I am so excited about this coz I can email friends lots of pixs, including my room, BMB building, tadpoles, UCDavis, my trips to Lake Tahoe. Isn't it great? I bet they really want to see those pics. can't wait for that trip.

I really get used to staying at the lab so late these days. I used to panic when I can't get things done before 5. But now, I just stay and without any complaints. That's a good sign. In this mood, I can deal with all kinds of experiments successfully, yeah I think so.

I bet you're happy for me then.

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