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Monday, August 13, 2007 11:12 AM

happy weekend

about the recent days......

this weekend is so great! i can’t hardly tell you how much fun me and Alex had.
we went to the aqurium the day before yesterday. it was so hot, i went all the way to
chicago, that was a long drive, 2 hours drive from byron to chicago.

Alex is highper, he can’t help to stop making noises, but i get used to it, boys just be boys.

the recent theme at the museum was the lizards, you can see the giant lizard just behind
us. Tom knows me and Alex like sponge Bob squarpants, so he bought five tickets to see
the sponge Bob squarpants 4-D movie. that was so great!!

there’s one plot about the mice, and i can feel there are mice running around my legs,
it felt so real! and the funnist part was a man drinking a bottle of water, when he sipped
the water, then he splashed it in fornt if us, i can feel there’s water splashed on me, it
felt so real.

sponge Bob is only a little part of it, he cannot find the peckle......and so on.
it was really funny, we laughed as we came out, Tom said it really worth 4 dollars.
we saw a lot of fish and animal also, Tom kept telling me, wich one did we eat last
night......and pretended he is a fish and talking to me, ha ha !

what a day~

星期一, 八月 13, 2007 11:12 早上(美國時間)



這個週末是美好的! 我簡直不知道如何說我和Alex的快樂.



那感覺是真的! 有趣的部分是一個男人喝一個瓶子中的水,當他啜飲水然後濺濕它,我會感覺水快濺濕我,它感覺是真的.

海綿寶寶只是一小部分.它是真的有趣的,出現我的笑聲,Tom說它真的值得四塊錢.我們還看一些魚和動物,Tom 開玩笑的告訴我,前晚我們吃了其中一條魚......並且假裝他是一條魚和我說話, ha ha !

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