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Megu 的留言板
Michael @ New York
Sometimes I think God has a twisted sense of humor. I say this because of the more often than usual occurance of coincidences in my life in this past year. When I got laid-off from my job on November 16 2001, the same day as Tina\'s birthday, I sensed it as a sign for the end of the improbable-but-unavoidable-rebound relationship. And now November 29th, 2002 will be branded in my memory as another singular date. My grandfather passed away that morning while I was touring in Italy, and I was not here to receive the phone call. I hope having to read Kathy\'s article on this same date is punishment enough for my trespasses. Yours, Michael @ New York (R:
| 2002-12-14 20:22:19
I think you have a gift for writing ! You have a unique voice and should write more often. I like the way you write about your boyfriend. He seems like a really nice guy. (R:
| 2002-09-03 00:50:26

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