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動畫學英文 全民英檢初級考試時間 nuclear physics中文意思是什麼

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nuclear physics中文意思是什麼

nuclear physics解釋

原子核物理學。購物英文會話 英文會話 家教補習班

  • nuclear: adj 1 核的,成核的;有核的。2 【物理學】原子核的;原子能的;原子彈的;核動力的。3 〈比喻〉核心的...
  • physics: n. 〈通常用作單數〉 1. 物理學。2. 物理過程;物理現象;物理性質;物理成分。

  • It is impossible, of course, to focalize the sunlight within the human body, so we have to use a kind of high - energy high - penetrability ray such as gamma ray. meanwhile, focalization of gamma ray, not as simple as that of magnifier, should be based on comprehensive utilization of various modern technologies such as nuclear physics, computer, bioradiology and electromechanism

  • Quantities and units. atomic and nuclear physics

  • New development of nuclear physics zhang huanqiao

  • The application work which has been clone and can he done in the nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics using accelerator mass spectrometry is reviewed

  • The nuclear data acquisition and control system are the important tools in both basic and applied researches, such as high energy physics, nuclear physics, atom - molecule physics, nuclear astronomy physics and application of nuclear technology


    numbered account, nuclear bomb, nuclear fuel, nuclease, nucleated, nucleic

    nuclear physics中文意思是什麼會話的英文 學英文 推薦 英檢中高級
      動畫學英文 全民英檢初級考試時間臺中英文進修 英語能力測驗 家教學生高雄英文家教行情 兒童英語教學線上英語課程 千萬不要學英文補習班 英文 學英文 推薦數學家教 gept toeic 考試英語演講 免費教英文 全民英檢初級試題下載線上看電影學英文 學測英文文法全球英檢成績查詢 怎麼學唱歌英語生活會話 全民英檢報名日期 外籍英文家教費用


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