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2003-05-28 02:39:04| 人氣44| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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What a loser I am!

I never win,
no matter it is in relations or study.

Study, I studied in Band 1 school, everyone is so strong and clever but apart from me,
so that why i need to leave school.

I got horrible result on HKCE,
I tried twice,but still very bad.
Then, I went to UK,
at least it is better,
but some people say "of coz, you go to england study maths,
it must be better, as their maths is so easy."

Hopefully, I study maths in uni next year, hope that everything will be fine.

On relations, up to now,
i have not success.
Broken up with a few guy,
maybe it is my fault.
I cannot be a good girl friend or I should I dont know how to be a good GF.

Some of them still keep in touch, but we are not very close friend any more. I dont understand why, maybe it is not mature enough for me to know.

"Love is the big but not the only thing in the relations."

So everything need to learn and try.

Hope everyone can wish me luck.

台長: 慕靈/kaka
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