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| 海 利 喬 奧 斯 蒙 × 基 本 資 料 |

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全名:海利喬奧斯蒙/夏利祖奧斯文(Haley Joel Osment)
身高:5呎6吋 , 還在長高中
母親:泰瑞莎奧斯蒙(Theresa Osment) 老師
父親:麥克尤金奧斯蒙(Michael Eugene Osment) 演員
姊妹:愛蜜麗喬丹奧斯蒙(Emily Jordan Osment) 女演員

電視電影 TV Movies
Lies of the Heart Deadly Lessons: The Story of Laurie Kellogg (1994) .... Kyle
淘氣綁票令Ransom of Red Chief (1996) .... Andy Dorset
法不容情Last Stand at Saber River (1997) .... David
湖心駭客The Lake (1998) .... Dylan Hydecker
Cab To Canada(1998).... Bobby

配音作品 Voice Over
美女與野獸~貝兒的心願Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997) .... Chip (speaking)
Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big (2000)
Discover Spot (2000) .... Spot
Hey, Arnold(1996~?) 在"It Girl/Deconstructing Arnold"該集中 (1999/09/18)為Mika配音
迪士尼~巴茲光年卡通版 Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (Disney) 在"Lone Wolf"該集中 (2000/11/15)為Mika配音
Curbside (Nickelodeon) 為Tom Terrific配音
Amazing Animal Tales (ABC, 1999-00))as the voice of True
小王子 The Little Prince (2002)
鐘樓怪人2~老實鐘的秘密 The Hunchback of Notre Dame II (2001) .... Zephyr
王國之心KINGDOM HEARTS (2002) .... Sora
森林王子2The Jungle Book II (2003) .... Mowgli
電影作品 Movies
盛夏獅王The Secondhand Lions (2003) ... Walter
A.I. 人工智慧A.I. Artificial Intelligence (June 29th, 2001) .... David Swinton
戰火遺孤Edges of The Lord (2000, released in 2002) .... Romek
讓愛傳出去Pay It Forward (October 20th, 2000) .... Trevor McKinney
靈異第六感The Sixth Sense (August 6th, 1999) .... Cole Sear
美麗心樂園I'll Remember April (1999, not released) .... Peewee Clayton
媽咪也瘋狂Bogus(1996) .... Albert Franklin
翻天覆地龍鳳配For Better or Worse(1996) .... Danny
阿甘正傳Forrest Gump (1994) .... Forrest Junior
救命恩人Mixed Nuts(1994) .... Little Boy
電視影集TV Series / TV Guest Appearances
The Larry Sanders Show (1992)
Guest Appearances 在"Fourteenth Floor"該集中演出,飾演一個小男生 -- 9/21/1994
Thunder in Paradise(1994)
Thunder Alley(1994-95) .... Harry Turner
The Jeff Foxworthy Show(1995-97) .... Matt Foxworthy
Texas Ranger Walker (1993-2001) Guest Appearances 在"Lucas"該集中演出,飾演 "Lucas Simms" -- 10/18/1997 & 10/11/1997
Murphy Brown (1988-1998) (1997/10~1998/05) .... Avery Brown
醫門豪傑Chicago Hope (1994-2000) Guest Appearances 在 "Memento Mori"該集中演出,飾演 "Nathan Cacaci" -- 1/14/98
與天使有約Touched By An Angel (1994-2003)Guest Appearances 在 "Flights of Angels"該集中演出,飾演 "John Henry" -- 3/01/98Hallmark頻道有播出該影集
The Pretender" (1998)(1997-2002)Guest Appearances 在 "Bloodlines"該集中演出,飾演 "Davey Simpkins" --5/16/98 & 5/23/98
艾莉的異想世界Ally McBeal (1997-2002)Guest Appearances 在"Angels and Blimps"該集中演出,飾演 "Eric Stall" -- 2/8/99
Smap x Smap (1996)Guest Appearances 01/24/2000
TNT 'We Know Drama' 電視廣告 (2001)
"Rove Live" (2000~)Guest Appearances playing "Himself"( 9/11/2001)


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