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360 度全方位疾速
Nike Vapor 12 Elite FG Game Over 採用 Flyknit 與合成鞋面,全面包覆雙足,新鞋即能展現猶如第二層肌膚般的貼合感。二部位豆莢式鞋盤系統,搭配輕量內部基底,每步都能彈性伸展,快速行動。
- 單片式鞋面包覆腳底,全面隨型貼合。
- 微紋理 Flyknit 結構,在高速下提供精準球感。
- 豆莢式鞋盤系統搭配內部基底,展現推進抓地力。
- 全天候控制 (ACC) 技術,展現絕佳控球力。
- 鞋跟內裡與 NIKEGRIP 腳背布料,大幅減少鞋內移位。
好康平台省錢方法- V 形鞋釘可在天然偏硬草地球場上提供抓地力。
兼具舒適度與抓地力後跟與腳掌下方採用輕盈鞋盤,合腳舒適,步步彈性。V 型鞋釘打造抓地力,急衝猛剎皆平穩。
更多詳細資料天然偏硬草地 (FG) 釘鞋非常適合微溼的短草球場顯示顏色: Thunder Grey/Dark Grey/黑色款式: AH7380-070原產國/地區: 中國Flyknit OriginsNike Flyknit 技術靈感源自於跑者們的寶貴意見,他們持續追求如襪子般的極致貼合機能,希冀能發掘讓人感覺不到存在的跑鞋。於是 Nike 與一組由程式設計師、工程師與設計師組成的團隊攜手合作,展開為期四年的研發任務,目標是開創能回應此需求的技術,讓針織鞋面的靜態屬性可同時兼顧結構感和耐久性。接下來則是要將支撐力、靈活度和透氣性精準配置在單一層體上,同時進行微調。結果便是羽量輕盈、貼合足型且幾乎完全沒有接縫的鞋面。除了擁有前所未見的精準貼合度,利於發揮最佳表現之外,相較於傳統製鞋的剪裁及縫製過程,還可減少材料浪費。每雙 Flyknit 鞋款相當於使用了六個回收塑膠瓶,讓數百萬磅的材料免於被送至垃圾掩埋場的命運。
訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務
臺北市:- 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
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其它縣市:- 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
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NikePlus 會員可享
3 顆星
Bought these twice, broke both times!
JordanM119845556 - Feb 15, 2019
I bought these and the sole plate broke within 5 practices, they sent me a replacement pair. Its now been 8 practices, and these new ones have also broken. Its pretty clear the plate needs to be changed ASAP, they focused on appearance rather than usability. Please Nike for the love of god, listen to your long-time Mercurial customers, and get rid of these flimsy plates.
I've worn Mercurials since 2004, and have not worn anything else. I've bought at least 20 pairs of these. For the first time in 15 years, I'm now forced to wear a different cleat, since Nike doesn't offer older generations of Vapors on their website. This is a sad, sad day... :(
AnthonyC640653054 - Feb 13, 2019
The mercurial line made by nike is my all time favorite every since I was a child, these boots keeps getting a lot better both in terms of looks and comfort but I also found out that the durability of these boots are getting worse every year. So, before buying the new mecurials please consider about how long you are hoping it to last.
Great fitting boot with a great deal of durability issues.
??ace?? - Oct 04, 2018
Great looking boot with great level of comfort, but the shoes are nowhere near durable. After about 3 weeks the sole plate on the right shoe is halfway detached to the point where the shoe is not possible to play in. I am very disappointed as I believed they’d last me anywhere from 2-3 months.
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