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What is agar-agar? Is agar-agar healthy?

Agar-agar, known as just agar in culinary circles, is a plant-based gelatin derived from seaweed. The white and semitranslucent vegetable gelatin is sold in flake, powder, bar, and strand form, and can be used in recipes as a stabilizing and thickening agent.

Cape Crystal Brands - Agar Agar Natural Seaweed All Vegetable Gelatin

Agar Agar is considered a healthy addition to weight loss plans due to it being low in calories, fat, sugar and carbohydrates. An appetite suppressant, Agar Agar is chiefly made up of water-soluble, indigestible fibre and is known as a “hydrophilic colloid”.

Cape Crystal Brands - Specialty Foods Ingredients

Cape Crystal Brands is an outstanding collection of specialty foods, including agar agar, alginates, carrageenans, calcium chloride, calcium lactate, calcium lactate gluconate, citric acid, fruit powders, guar gum, gum Arabic, konjac gum, locust bean gum, maltodextrin, pectin, potassium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, sunflower lecithin, Tara gum, xanthan gum and more hard-to-find ingredients for chefs and cooks. Please check out the amazing recipes using Cape Crystal Brands ingredients.

All Cape Crystal Brands' ingredients are manufactured to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and HACCP standards. Our products are Kosher and Non-GMO certified. 

台長: judymurphy11
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