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2009-09-20 20:37:22


2009年9月20日  星期日  心情:讚今年的幹部訓練生活組很不一樣,是一個很棒的團隊熱情、積極、盡心盡力、課務生活化生活長好優秀,尤其是感恩香積媽的那段【奉茶+帶動唱】圓緣典禮好感動,找回最開始的初發心最後...

2009-09-18 22:13:29

The fifty -fourth postcard

This postcard from Hong Kong. Traveled 6 days.I like different colors.

2009-09-16 22:51:00

The fifty-third postcard

This postcard from Poland. Traveled 19 days.Warsaw, the Capital of Poland.These place are famous view.

2009-09-16 22:42:51

The fifty -second postcard

This postcard also from Finland. Traveled 15 days.I love this postcard very much.

2009-09-16 22:39:05

The fifty-first postcard postcard

This postcard from Finland. Traveled 7 days. 

2009-09-16 22:32:15

The fiftieth postcard

Surprise!Today I receive four postcards.This postcard from Finland. Traveled 11 days.Do you see the cute home?

2009-09-14 22:17:55

The forty -ninth postcard

This postcard doesn't has ID.I don't know where it come from?But I guess this postcard from Ireland. Ireland capital is Dublin.【愛爾蘭:都柏林】It's a famous Dunguaire castle.Dunguaire城堡是在一個岩...

2009-09-14 22:04:36

The forty - eighth postcard

This postcard from Estonia. Traveled 10 days.Estonia capital is Tallinn. 【愛沙尼亞:塔尼。】Parnu is a famous resort in summer.

2009-09-09 21:32:08

The forty -seventh postcard

This postcard from Russia. Traveled 14 days.Russia capital is Moscow.This is Saint Petersburg, Tsarskoye Selo Catherine Palace. 

2009-09-08 22:00:42

Swap postcard 2

This postcard from U.S.A.  Traveled 9 days.This postcard is painted byThomas Gainsborough.【根茲巴羅】根茲巴羅是英國油畫和風景畫家。 

2009-09-08 06:26:30

The forty -sixth postcard

This postcard from Finland. Traveled 7 days.

2009-09-04 22:53:32

The forty -fifth postcard

This postcard from Poland. Traveled 7 days.Poland capital is Warsaw.【華沙】

2009-09-04 22:44:08

The forty -fourth postcard

This postcard from Germany. Traveled 7 days.This postcard is special. It's a movable postcard. This postcard is a shampoo AD for GUHL brand. 

2009-08-28 21:51:25

The forty -third postcard

This postcard from Latvia. Traveled 11 days.This postcard is RIGA. It's beautiful castle.拉脫維亞的首都:里加是一個位於東北歐的國家。原蘇聯加盟共和國之一,於1991年獨立。

2009-08-26 22:17:08

The forty -second postcard

This postcard from Germany. Traveled 5 days.Surprise!Today is Valentine's Day. I receive three postcards.Particularly, it sensitive to receive HOT postcard on special day.SHY.

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