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2010-03-26 22:12:36

The 110 postcard

This postcard come from New York. Traveled 7 days.Top Left is Queensboro Bridge.Top Right is Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges.Bottom is Brooklyn Bridge.

2010-03-26 22:03:47

Swap postcard 16

This postcard come from Portugal. Traveled 8 days.

2010-03-20 19:01:07

Swap postcard 15

This postcard from Roma. Traveled 16 days.聖伯多祿大殿(San Pietro in Vaticano),也譯為聖伯多祿教堂、聖彼得教堂或聖彼得大教堂,是梵蒂岡的主要大殿。它建於1506年至1626年,可能是世界最大的教堂,也是天主...

2010-03-17 22:05:23

The 109 postcard

This postcard come from Lithuania.Lithuania capital is Vilnius. 立陶宛首都:維爾紐斯

2010-03-12 18:46:49

The 108 postcard

This postcard from China. Traveled 38 days.御花園‧長春亭

2010-03-03 22:24:48

Swap postcard 14

This postcard from Cabo Verde. Traveled 17 days.這張是葡萄牙老師到當地非洲做志工服務寄來的明信片見【我的葡萄‧牙】超好笑

2010-03-03 22:14:43

The 107 postcard

This postcard come from Brazil. Traveled 15 days.

2010-03-03 22:07:45

The 106 postcard

This postcard from Thailand. Traveled 7 days.Thailand capital is Bangkok.【泰國首都:曼谷】

2010-03-03 21:59:58

The 105 postcard

This postcard come fromNetherlands. Traveled 10 days.

2010-03-02 12:35:39


Tuesday 2th March 2010 一個偶然,Nice推薦Postcrossing網站給我【反正早已被Fakebook的身分重大問題所影響,名聲早已身敗名裂惡名昭彰,無法在面對中區的鄉親】是Fakebook不是Facebook一個機會,我決定拓展歐美市場...

2010-03-01 22:00:02

The 104 postcard

This postcard come from Poland. Traveled 8 days.This is in Warszawa.【波蘭:華沙】

2010-02-25 21:44:50

The 103 postcard

This postcard comes from Germany. Traveled 16 days.This is a Weimar(威瑪) in Germany.

2010-02-25 21:42:10

The 102 postcard

This postcard comes from Japan. Traveled 13 days.I want to share the Penguin joke.Pick up a Penguin A man driving a truck comes across a load of penguins looking lost. He takes pity on them and loads ...

2010-02-25 21:39:01

The 101 postcard

This postcard comes from Germany. Traveled 11 days.

2010-02-23 22:12:43

Swap postcard 13

These postcards comefrom Portugal. Traveled 14 days.This postcard is Lyon in France.里昂(法語:Lyon)是法國的第二大城市,羅訥-阿爾卑斯大區和羅訥省的首府。位於法國東部。包括郊區和衛星城,里昂是僅次於巴...

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