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2007-07-26 01:22:29| 人氣163| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

before today

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這是everything but the girl合唱團的before today歌詞
另一首單曲wrong跟before today


I don’t want excuses
I don’t want your smiles
I don’t want to feel like we’re apart a thousand miles

I don’t want your attitude
I don’t want your things
But I don’t want a phone that never rings
I want your love and I want it now
I want your love and I want it now

I don’t want your history
I don’t want that stuff
I want you to shut your mouth
That would be enough
I don’t care if you’ve been here before
You don’t understand
Tonight I feel above the law, I’m coming into land
I want your love and I want it now
I want your love and I want it now

My heart is that much harder now
That’s what I thought before today
My heart is that much harder now

I thought that it would stay that way, before today
Before today

But I don’t want a phone that never rings
I want your love and I want it now
I want your love and I want it now
I want your love


I want your love,



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