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2016-03-07 20:34:06| 人氣22| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

In the morning

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In the morning 

In the morning
In the morning, When the moon is at its rest
You will find me, At the time my love the best
Watching rainbows play on sunlight
Pools of water, ice from cold nights
In the morning
'Tis the morning of my life

In the daytime
I will meet you as before
You will find me
Waiting by the ocean floor
Building castles
In the shifting sand
In a world that no one understands
In the morning
'Tis the morning of my life
'Tis the morning of my life

In the morning of my life
The minutes take so long to drift away
Please be patient with your life
It's only morning
And you've still to meet your day

In the evening
I will fly you to the moon
To the top rights and corner of the ceiling in my room
Where we'll stay
Until the sun shines
Another day
To swing on clothes lines
Might I be yawning
'Tis the morning of my life
'Tis the morning of my life

In the morning
In the morning

台長: Jonmo
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老式情歌 |
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