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2005-01-24 23:46:20| 人氣93| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Have you ever been frustrated? Have you ever been hated? Have you ever been separated?

Luckily, I can't find I have ever so, though maybe as disagreed by someone. Here, I must point out that no one can have any bias over anyone or whose life and inter-and-outer relationship would be driven to a poor end or, even so, death...I am not meaning the physical death, but the death of one's soul. Yes, it seems silly as if it came true but it can be the truth in fact. Perhaps, I have been thinking for so long of a while...so silly of me...But feel so sorry of me that today I have ever made a bias over Miss Yip, our temporary English teacher. I even believed that I can do the job better than her but terribily and absolutely, I was wrong. I must blame myself that I was such a silly guy saying in such ! Yes, she treats us as if we were the primary kids, checking out always, showing her 'teacher power' and many many things we ever hate and prefer as a 'bad'. However, she does be our teacher and we ought to treat her as so and obey her. Different person has different style. Maybe we have built an unfair standard and made an improper comparison. Think it more thoroughly. So long as we have growed, we must learn it and try to value anything in a mature and sensitive way, not just like a kid that whatever we like as determined by ourselves. I just feel very sorry for her and also for Miss Lam, really very sorry! I swear I will never try it again.

Today's a busy and tired day...test, assignment, homework are seemed to be never ended. I never like this feeling, just very disgusting! Things are always becoming complicated by something else but we never know what such things are! I must talk to myself: I need to calm down. Listening to the songs then becomes the habit of my daily life. I feel soft. I love music, different sorts of music. Then at last, I can continue on it. Stand up for yourself! Put up for fight! Compromise is just a waste and shit coz we never know. Just freak out let it go!

台長: Joe Joe~
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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