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World Rugby approves closed law trial in France’s Top 14 and D2 competitions

The World Rugby Executive Committee has given dispensation for the Fédération Française de Rugby (FFR) to operate a closed law trial in this season’s Top 14 and Pro D2 competitions.

The World Rugby Executive Committee has given dispensation for the Fédération Française de Rugby (FFR) to operate a closed law trial in this season’s Top 14 and Pro D2 competitions.

Approval follows detailed consideration of a proposal by the FFR following a body of work by the national federation’s medical observatory in line with the game’s ongoing drive to enhance player welfare.

The trial composes two components:

  • the introduction of a blue card signalling a permanent replacement for any player with a suspected or confirmed concussion
  • an amendment to Law 3.32 which will permit up to four additional replacements where tactically-replaced players may replace any injured player (while retaining eight players on the bench).

For the purposes of this trial Law 3.32 a will now read:

  • Tactically replaced players may return to play when replacing: a) An injured player. 

The FFR will operate a detailed study to analyse the impact of the closed trials, sharing all data with World Rugby for evaluation and analysis to determine whether there are player welfare grounds for further evaluation and trial. 

 World Rugby also welcomes the joint commitment by the FFR and Ligue Nationale de Rugby (LNR) to enhance medical presence at Top 14 and Pro D2 clubs on non-match days. 

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台長: 辛老師

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