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2003-08-29 15:38:24| 人氣76| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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"Oh, so you are a Med student?! Which year?"
"Hmm...you can say that I am a 4th year. I can graduate last year actually, but I keep my enrollment so to wait for my girlfriend, who is year slower than me in Med School, to have residency with me."
"Do you mean that you are not taking any classes then?"
"Yes. I've taken everything I needed to. I am here on a grant to conduct this study now and it will take a whole year."
"What was your major as an undergraduate?"
"And I've been a teacher for 5 years before I got to Med school."
"OH? You've been teaching at a high school?"
"No. I was teaching in elementary school, 2nd and 3rd graders."
"Haha, you have an interesting profile."
"Haha, to be a doctor was always my dream. I didn't have a strong science background though It was hard to get in."
"I think you should not put that in mind all the time. See, you can even finish your Med degree earlier than others!"
"Yes, one can't do what he wants if he always remembers the worst."

"Opus. Yes"


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