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2007-06-23 02:48:06| 人氣189| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A little time for myself!

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It’s been a very long while since my last posting. I was busy having a BABY!

My second daughter is now almost 11 months old. All my time and energy are on my 2 princesses; and that left me very little time for myself.

Today I finally settled down and decided to post something short. now writing has become a luxury for me. Hopefully I will keep this up and make it a routine. I miss writing; I miss reading a good book and forgetting everything else. But now I have something more important to take care of--my kids. So I will enjoy every little second I can spend on this station and cultivate bit by bit this world of mine!

台長: 珍珠
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