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Learn how to build a balanced meal for your health

How to build a balanced meal in 4 steps?
1/ Start with two portions of fruit and veg (whole fruit, not juice, because #fibre). 
2/ Next, add whole grains. Start with a cupped handful and increase portion sizes pre and post-exercise (between 0.8g and 1g per kilo of body weight after an intense workout).
3/ Add protein (larger portions at breakfast and post-workout)
4/ Finish with some dairy or a drizzle of healthy fat
In an IRL day, that might look like the below balanced meals.
A day of balanced meals
Eggs, wholegrain toast, avocado and spinach. The balance of protein, carbs and fat should keep your energy levels up till lunch.
Mixed bean and quinoa salad with chicken or tofu. The balance of grains and protein will ward off the afternoon slump.
Salmon with freekeh, butternut squash and stir-fried greens. Oily fish twice a week ticks off your omega-3 needs.(cr.topplay)

台長: jbh61784
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全站分類: 教育學習(進修、留學、學術研究、教育概況)

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