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2005-08-02 12:22:24| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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東方快車謀殺案(Murder on the Orient Express)
羅傑艾克洛命案(The Murder of Roger Ackroyd)
ABC謀殺案(The A.B.C. Murders)
底牌(Cards on the Table)
一,二,縫好鞋釦(One, Two, Buckle My Shoe)
白羅的初期探案(Poirot’s Early Cases)
三幕悲劇(Three Act Tragedy)
高爾夫球場命案(The Murder on the Links)
危機四伏(Peril at End House)
尼羅河謀殺案(Death on the Nile)
麥金堤太太之死(Mrs. McGinty’s Dead)
謀殺在雲端(Death in the Clouds)
十三人的晚宴(Thirteen at Dinner)
藍色列車之謎(The Mystery of the Blue Train)
白羅出擊(Poirot Investigates)
豔陽下的謀殺案(Evil Under the Sun)
史岱爾莊謀殺案(The Mysterious Affair at Styles)
怪鐘(The Clocks)
死亡約會(Appointment with Death)
五隻小豬之歌(Five Little Pigs)
赫丘勒的十二道任務(The Labours of Hercules)
國際學舍謀殺案(Hickory, Dickory, Dock)
第三個單身女郎(Third Girl)
四大天王(The Big Four)
葬禮變奏曲(After the Funeral)
巴石立花園街謀殺案(Murder in the Mews)
萬聖節派對(Halloween Party)
弄假成真(Dead Man’s Folly)
絲柏的哀歌(Sad Cypress)
白羅的聖誕假期(Hercule Poirot’s Christmas)
順水推舟(Taken at the Flood)
問大象去吧!(Elephants Can Remember)
哪個聖誕布丁(The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding)
池邊的幻影(The Hollow/ Murder After Hours)
死無對證(Dumb Witness)
美索不達米亞驚魂(Murder in Mesopotamia)
鴿群裡的貓(Cat Among the Pigeons)
謝幕(Curtain: Hercule Poirot’s Last Case)

阿嘉莎‧克莉絲蒂的書 都超好看的呢

台長: TOO
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