老媽看見了[7美國直購] 耳機 Bragi The Dash Pro with Alexa B071WRWBZ6就覺得很喜歡但在店裡看見的價格覺得太高了
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The Dash Pro is a set of wireless earbuds, a standalone music player, an in-ear fitness tracker and a headset with outstanding Bluetooth connection for true wireless listening experience for your Android, Apple or Windows device
Thanks to the integrated sound personalization by Mimi you can adapt the sound of your headphones to your individual hearing with a simple hearing test. Enjoy your music with amazing sound perfectly adjusted to you.
折扣商品 Up to 5 hours of play time with each charge and an additional 25 hours with the included charging case
Advanced voice pick-up technology for the best call quality in any environment and hands-free access to Amazon Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant with a tap or our Virtual 4D Menu, no need to take your phone out of your pocket
With an award-winning sweat-proof and waterproof (IPX7) design, The Dash Pro is the perfect cord-free in-ear activity tracker for running, cycling and swimming with 4GB on-board storage for up to 1000 songs, allowing
A.I. Powered Activity Tracking
The Dash Pro understands if you are running, cycling or swimming so you can keep track of your workouts automatically without ever pushing a button. During your exercise the on-board activity coach keeps you motivated with real-time audio feedback. Auto-Track and record your Heart Rate, Activity Duration, Steps, Distance, Calories, Cadence, Speed, Pool Lengths and Breaths. With the Bragi App you can see your trainings logs and personalize your settings.
Light-weight Sweatproof/Waterproof Design
The award-winning sweatproof/waterproof design (IPX7, 1m/3.2ft) and a 4GB on-board MP3 player for up to 1000 songs make The Dash Pro the best waterproof headphones and perfect companion for swimmers and any outdoor activity.
Disclaimer: IPX7 Certification #: SZ15090115H02 Issue Date: 03-29-16 Issue Authority: Morlab Group.
Outstanding Bluetooth Performance
The Dash Pro is renewed from the inside for outstanding Bluetooth performance and amazing true wireless audio without any interruption. A simple one-touch setup connects your iOS, Android or Windows device in a matter of seconds. Once the original set up is done, it reconnects automatically – just put them in your ears. Stream music, podcasts, news or radio from your favorite Apps such as Spotify, Pandora or Apple Music.
Music to Your Ears
Powerful premium sound experience for your music and your calls. When on a call, The Dash Pro intelligently filters out noisy environments so that your voice can always be heard clearly. Stay safe in traffic and hear everything: Audio Transparency allows you to be multifunctional while listening to your music and your surroundings. The Dash Pro lets you be free for the day with 5 hours of play time with each charge and an additional 25 hours.
Comfortable, fit, ear, eargonomics, sleeves,
Designed to Live in Your Ear
The light weight ergonomic design of The Dash Pro provides a secure fit in your ear, long lasting comfort and great passive noise isolation. Enjoy the silence, enjoy the sound. Comes with 3 interchangeable foam FitTips Pro (S, M, L) and 4 silicone FitSleeves (XS, S, M, L).
Product description
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
Product information
Product Dimensions 2.8 x 1 x 2 inches
購買 Item Weight 10.4 ounces
Shipping Weight 10.4 ounces
Item model number B1002-01
Batteries 2 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)

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