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線上學習網站 英文 旅遊 affability中文意思是什麼

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    線上學習網站 英文 旅遊會話班 學英文 新聞美語學習網站 學英 英文學習軟體下載英文會話 補習 英語會話教學 小一英語英文網站推薦 國際英文檢定多益線上課程 美語補習班推薦英文日常會話 tutor for you 用英文不用學英文一生必學的英文發音規則 有效學習英文





n. 名詞 殷勤,溫柔,和藹。

  • He was a silent, rather sullen man, and you felt that his affability was a duty that he imposed upon himself christianly.

  • She is all affability and condescension, and i doubt not but you will be honoured with some portion of her notice when service is over

  • The subject elevated him to more than usual solemnity of manner, and with a most important aspect he protested that he had never in his life witnessed such behaviour in a person of rank - such affability and condescension, as he had himself experienced from lady catherine

  • Then, after dinner, on the pretext of business, he questioned the father and son upon their mode of living ; and the father and son, previously informed that it was through danglars the one was to receive his 48, 000 francs and the other 50, 000 livres annually, were so full of affability that they would have shaken hands even with the banker s servants, so much did their gratitude need an object to expend itself upon

  • Starting with the history of ancient town qujiawan which profits from the prosperousness of the family whose surname is qu, the paper analyzes ' one street and several lanes ' which is the main feature of its architectural structure, the configuration of the streets which makes the streets along with the river and the space of the street which is small and affability, and introduces the tiandou residence and panla ( a kind of architectural component ) in this place

    摘要該文從湖數學家教班 英文家教老師費用 英文初級教學北洪湖瞿家灣古鎮因族而興的發展背景入手,對以「一街數巷」為軸的古鎮結構、沿河生長的街道形態及小而親切街道的空間進行了分析,對當地的天斗式建築及建築構件攀拉等進行了介紹。

    afdc,大家說英語app 英語檢定 afeard, afebrile, affable, affair, affect

      全民英檢中級成績查詢 家教 高雄 email 英語嘉義市外籍英文家教老師 英文自學教材 成人學英文英語日常會話 商教英檢線上英文聽力 生活英語會話國小數學家教 學以致用 英文免費英語教學 旅遊英文會話線上學習 手機學英文學測英文作文題目 國小英文教材學英文網 英文檢定英語會話家教 全民英檢gept學英文補習班 英文學習法


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