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dumb 的留言板
Dear M: thank you so much for writing me an email, i am so appreciated. really!! with your wish, i promise that i will have fun, for this unforgetable trip.... Take care, my good friend, Mr. M
| 2006-04-14 01:19:40
Dear M: thank you so much for talking to me. and thank you so much to let me know, you are fine.... i don't want to ask too much thing from you, because i know i will be sad if i heard something i don't want...you asked me how is everything from me, i told you the truth, hope this is the answer you wanted, i am really happy, because there is someone loves me so much cares about me so much as you do... Dear Mr.M Promise me that you are always fine. Promise me that you are always happy. I miss you and also wish you can be fine all the time.... you are my friend, my good friend.
| 2006-04-06 01:22:09
Dear Mr. M How are you doing? How is everything there from you? I saw you were online. But I was too weak to say hi to you. Do you know something? I still pry for you? I still miss you sometimes.... Sorry I can't just say hi to you when I see you there. I read the message you sent to me before " hope still be friends" Yes, I keep it, and still think you are my good firend, no matter what do you think of me.
| 2006-03-17 02:11:23
剛剛看了很多人的BLOG, 這世上, 身藏不露的人真是多啊!! 好笑的是, 看到一個可以算前世今生的網站. 老實說, 我實在不太喜歡算命, 但很希望知道自己的前世是什麼. 所以還是去晃了一下.....那個答案很噴飯....我的前世是.....太監 (先讓我再笑一下) 不過在分析命理那方面, 還真的是有點準...我都起雞皮疙瘩了. 下次問看看Jay 要不要玩, 呵呵, 真不知道他的前世是什麼... http://www.y28predictions.com/program/template/fortune/past.php?lang=
| 2006-03-08 01:58:02
I met Jay, a guy that who gives me care and hope. At least, he gave me a chance to love and be loved. 最近, 我又失眠, 忽然讓我有點害怕以前的情況會再發生, 只是我把的MSN 關掉了, 因為Jay 忙著搬家的事, 我也不好意思老是打電話打擾他. 雖然他曾說過, 想到就打給他.....(我倒是希望他會打給我, 不過想想他老兄最近開銷蠻大的, 還是算了) 前些日子, 因為我有點發覺好像事情不是我所想的那樣順遂, 所以對他老兄發了點小牢騷....我知道, 其實他也很為難, 因為, 他的問題也不小, 實在不太想再多理會我這樣的無理取鬧. 現在, 我想我還是都不要再多說什麼, 不要再這麼依賴他, 畢竟他還是有他的生活要過, 有他的事情要忙. 老實說, 他的壓力也不少..... 看了其他人的Blog, 感觸不少, 之前又幫我的老闆翻譯一些她男朋友要來, 申請工作的文件. 那種感覺好幸福, 因為相隔這麼遠的距離, 因為愛, 把彼此都拉進了不少. 嗯, 我不知道Jay 會不會真的來, 也不知道Jay 會不會真的希望我去....我還是不要想太多,就如同他說的, 我真該找些事情做, Better focus on something different.
| 2006-03-06 14:59:59
After talking to your girlfriend, I kept my feeling in the past. I know i have to be sad for this. I prepared since I went to see you for the frist time. I gave you something I won't be able to take it back..... I am ok. Just need time to heal the pain I have...
| 2006-03-04 00:59:32
you might be ready for the way home..... and you might be happy that you got someone to stay with..... i am happy for you and i do really you are happy all the time. Dear Mr. M i found someone who loves me and i love him as the way i used to love you. he is someone who i trust he is someone who i want to cherish he is someone who i want to be with.... i am happy now, so happy
| 2006-01-19 02:29:16
今天, 在去上班的路上, 就在上班地方不遠的地方, 一隻小小狗就這樣靜靜的躺在地上, 牠燦爛的小生命就此消逝....... 我沒有表現出我很難過, 因為跟我一起去處理牠的是一群小朋友, 其中一位小朋友很熱心的幫我....我好感動, 也對他的勇敢讚許有嘉..... 牠沒有明顯的外傷, 就跟以前男生來福一樣, 就這樣靜靜的躺著.......牠解脫了, 離開這個會讓牠驚荒失措的冷漠世界.....牠不再害怕, 因為牠要去的地方將會是令牠感到溫暖且詳和的極樂世界....
| 2006-01-11 03:23:24
dumb in 2006
再見2005...... 好戲劇化的一年......讓我感到幸福與哀傷交錯的一年.... 2005年, Mr.M 幫我填滿了一整年, 我不知不覺也每天問了自己一年 "HOW ARE YOU TODAY, xxxx?" 你帶給我的快樂, 我永遠也不會忘.....謝謝你, 努力要讓我快樂.... 2005年, 從小女孩變成了小女人....在我感到一絲絲幸福的時後, 你告訴我實話, 讓我瞭解, 原來愛是如此的傷人, 如此的殘忍....
| 2006-01-01 01:52:54

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