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閃光燈 的留言板
Dear 筱筱 (E-mail: a3767a@hotmail.com)

Oh please, what are you, a nun from the 1940''s? Times have changed; things are not the way they used to be. First of all, there’s no shame in sex between two adults, as long as it’s consensual and that they love each other, not to mention any immorality on their part, premarital or not!

As to what you described that the society is ‘sick’ and all…. Could it be that because it is filled with the likes of you who are just as intolerant and judgmental? You have to first realize that this is a journal for people to freely express opinions. The author here was not trying to get everyone to jump on the premarital sex bandwagon, but rather she’s just expressing her sorrow for the unborn, if you don’t have the least bit of decency to respect them, at least act like you’ve never been here without leaving such prejudiced comments. Furthermore, I would think that the stories the author endured should be a lesson to everyone out there: if you and your partner believe that you are two consensual loving adults, mature enough for your action, then be responsible and most importantly, be safe.

That should be all.

I admire her courage that the author’s sharing her experience with the public, and I believe this is the action from a self respecting person; at the same time, it wouldn’t kill you to show some respect, would it?
| 2005-06-16 13:46:37
Dear 無機生物:


友看到? 到時妳將如何面對他/她们? 到時候妳會不會覺




害.這個社會已經很病態了.請尊重自己,不要忘了 羞恥心

| 2005-06-15 19:04:42

是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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