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月兒花 只在月光下綻放 五彩繽紛 如夢一樣
月光下 安靜的長大 一株株 高過圍牆 搖晃
月兒花 把星星穿在身上 黑夜裡面 閃閃發光
你說花兒太過耀眼刺目 小心用薄紗把它遮上
“摘朵來給我 好不” 看著月兒花 我小小聲問
“不賣的 它們找自己的歸宿” 你低著聲回話
孤單是養份 晨昏澆灌 隱隱顯在這月兒花上

Moonflowers are blossoming under moonlight

When the light embraces them, they scent

They are glittering like stars fall on them

“Too bright” you sadly said and covered them up

“Why don’t you pick one for me, I pray”

“They are not for sale, they choose their own place”

I stare at these moonflowers

Your loneliness seems rooted among them

台長: ines
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