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Pink Floyd

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Pink Floyd的組合要追溯到1965年,當時Syd Barrett, Bob Close, Richard Wright, Nick Mason和Roger Waters 五個人合組一支叫做"Sigma 6"的樂團,但沒有多久Bob Close就離開了,因此Pink Floyd的原始團員(扣掉Bob Close)為以上四員.

後來四個人就組成一個樂團,Syd Barrett擔任吉他手, Roger Waters擔任貝斯手,Richard Wright擔任鍵盤手,鼓手是Nick Mason,在那個時候,他們用過很多的團名,包括"The Screaming Abdabs", "T-Set", "The Meggadeaths", "The Architectural Abdabs"等,一直到Syd Barret替他們取了" The Pink Floyd這個團名,Pink Floyd這個名稱是取自於"Pink Anderson"和"Floyd Council"兩位爵士樂手的名字.

在他們發行第一張專輯"Piper At The Gates of Dawn"時,他們的團名還叫" The Pink Floyd",但等他們發行第二張專輯"A Saucerful Of Secrets"時,他們將"The"取消掉,就成了現在大家耳熟能詳的"Pink Floyd".

在Pink Floyd發行第一張專輯前,他們就發行過不少單曲,像是" Arnold Lane"," See Emily Play",當時Syd Barrett就已有瞌藥的習慣,如此一來,Pink Floyd將因此受到不小的影響,為了使樂團能正常運作,他們找了Syd Barrett的老朋友David Gilmour來樂團擔任協奏吉他手,而Syd Barrett的情況卻一直沒有好轉,最後全體團員都已無法接納他,Syd Barrett終於被迫離開Pink Floyd.

接下來,他們又陸續發行"More","Ummagumma", "Atom heart Mother", "Relics", "Meddle",和" Obscured By Clouds"等專輯. 那時Pink Floyd一直在試著尋找出自己的音樂風格,後來他們終於發行了"The Dark Side of the Moon"這張矌世巨作 ,"The Dark Side of The Moon"共賣出二千五百萬張,在美國Billboard排行榜停留的時間長達十四年之久,打破所有專輯的紀錄,也就是因為這張專輯鼎定了Pink Floyd在音樂史上難以撼動的地位.

接下來,Pink Floyd又發行"Animals"的專輯,以及比"The Dark Side Of The Moon"更震撼人心的兩張一套專輯"The Wall",而Richard Wright在結束牆的巡迴演唱會後離開Pink Floyd, 在Richard Wright離開後,Pink Floyd發行了一張叫"The Final Cut"的專輯,沒多久, Roger Waters也離開Pink Floyd.

1987年Pink Floyd碩果僅存的David Gilmour和Nick Mason以Pink Floyd的名稱發行了一張叫" A Momentary Lapse of Reason".

後來Richard Wright重新加入他們,並進行巡迴演唱,1994年 Pink Floyd再度發行專輯"The Division Bell"和稍後發行的"Pulse".


[Members of Pink Floyd]

David Jon Gilmour
United Kingdom

Born March 6, 1946

Has 8 children....4 with his first wife Ginger, 3 with his present wife Polly, and Charlie who is Polly's son by her first marriage.

In contrast to Roger, Dave was reared by permissive and easygoing parents. At 13, he was given a Spanish guitar by a neighbor and so the journey began. Dave's greatest musical asset is his sense of feel and timing, according to one former member of Jokers Wild, and to some present day fans, we would have to say that his talents reach beyond that to include a marriage of heart to guitar and tender concern for humanity.

When Dave was a young teenager, his father's profession drew him overseas, to the U.S., leaving Dave to independently fend for himself....playing U.S. military bases with Jokers Wild, and working odd jobs, including his famous stint as a male model. All of this helped to instill in Dave, his underlying grit and a single-minded determination to succeed on his own terms...that was to resurface during the Floydian 'wars' much later....and it was to carry him through in the future, to the ringing of a Division Bell and beyond.

Dave enjoys flying, among other interests, and his collection consists of vintage aircraft that he has shown, and flown, at various airshows. His first love, however, is still his music.
Nicholas Berkeley Mason
United Kingdom

Born January 27, 1944

Nick has 3 children, Holly, Chloe and Carey with Lynette, and is presently married to Annette.

Nick was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. He accompanied his father to Vintage Sports Car Club events at an early age, and later inherited and developed his passion for racing and collecting vintage automobiles. At the Frensham Heights boarding school, it is said Nick is still remembered as a world class mischief maker.

Today, Nick races Ferrari's, Bugatti's, and Maserati's, among others that he also races and owns for his own enjoyment.
Richard William Wright
United Kingdom

Born July 28, 1945

Rick has 3 children, Gala, Jamie, and Benjamin. He is presently married to Millie.

For Rick as a young man, he was at a loss for a career to pursue at the prep school he attended, until someone suggested architecture. The Regent Street Poly is where he met Nick and Roger. Rick didn't want to be an architect however, he wanted to be a musician... the rest is history. Rick came back to life, so to speak, with TDB... he co-wrote WTIO with Anthony Moore, and co-wrote Cluster One, WDYWFM, Marooned and KT with Dave.

One of Rick's favorite things to do is get away on his 65-foot sailing yacht whenever he has the opportunity.
George Roger Waters
United Kingdom

Born September 6, 1943

Roger has 2 children, Harry and India. Has been married to Jude and Carolyn and recently split with Priscilla. Roger's father was killed in action at Anzio, only a few months after he was born. As a young teen, Roger's pursuits included playing with toy guns (& shooting real ones), and staying up at night listening to his radio tuned to Armed Forces Network or Radio Luxembourg.

He did not like apprenticeship as a naval cadet, quit, and was given a dishonorable discharge. He instead became chairman of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's local youth chapter.

Roger's life from the beginning, and still is, a conscious and unconscious mourning for the father he never knew, and hatred of the hierarchy of circumstances that robbed him of his father.

While Roger's lyrical 'brilliance' of the past cannot be denied, his inability to come to terms with his grief and hatred eventually wore out its welcome with the majority of his fans. Roger quit Pink Floyd in the mid 1980's.
Roger Keith Barrett
United Kingdom

Born January 6, 1946

Syd had a normal childhood and loving parents. He was a popular and successful student, and his passions ranged from camping and sports to drama and painting. He was once a Boy Scout patrol leader.

Dr. Barrett encouraged Syd's musical interest with the gift of a banjo, and later, a guitar. Dr. Barrett died when Syd was just 14. It's been proposed that this trauma was the first 'catalyst' in Syd's eventual dementia.

Syd and Dave were friends at a very early age, and while attending school, they would hang out together, teaching each other guitar....Dave was the better guitarist, and Syd's talent lay in words and lyrics...they would flow from him easily, according to Dave.

The founding member of the band that so many today admire and respect, today lives in seclusion and in ill health....a once brilliant mind destroyed by drugs. Syd is a legacy and a lesson for all.

Humm...I know Pink Floyd because of my BFF, and some of my foreign friends. Since I've heard of some of their songs on the Net, I fell in love with thier rock;it's absolutely awesome!!! I can't believe this: I found it very significant and good in their notes. I personally love "Comfortably Numb" a lot. I couldn't stop following its melodies once I heard this song. Besides, Pink Floyd is super popular in the UK, and maybe somewhere in the US. lol Anyways, I've started to watch their music out and enjoy their wonderful music!!!! Thanks to my bff and John, I know this GREAT band!!! >:D<

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