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哪飛沙 的留言板
Mmm, that sounds attempting…What do I want? The answer is not necessary to be 少了冠詞material object or kind of purified the soul to another religious stage. What do I want for myself? I am still thinking and searching for the answer. To be a social worker is the answer for now… I might change my mind tomorrow. How about you? What do you want for yourself? (原來不是your life 嗎?)
| 2005-07-31 00:44:25
"What do you want for your life?" That was the question an actress ask過去式 a frustrated actor in a move I saw 少了冠詞couple days ago. I was thinking現在完成式 about this question ever since. Somehow, there was coincident 要用名詞that I watched another program talking about mid-age crisis. The host said the mid-aged people worked hard to have 少了冠詞house, 少了冠詞car, 少了冠詞husband/wife and kids. What do they want next? He suggested that tracing back the childhood and remembering what do過去式 you want to be as a kid is過去式 a method to find “back” the answer. mmm, let me have a think, I 這裡少了一個字got two master degree, and everything people want to have. but what do I want next ? or What do過去式 I want to be when I was a kid? I want to be a reporter. I want to be a hero or I want to be a mother. I want to be…. I kept要用現在式 thinking I want to have a job in 少了冠詞UK recently then I would have the good pay and even more money to save in the bank. What is next? Figuring out the purpose of life? I have a lots 國中生都知道這裡不能加S喔of questions need to think about. Today, on the way back home from a local grocery, there was a thought hit 國中生都知道要加ing喔 my head. I want to be a social worker. For the要用冠詞 long time, it was always my dream job because I think social workers are hero要用冠詞不然就要用複數. My mother said this is not a good job because it was現在式 low paid and high risk這個字是名詞前面應加字讓它變成形容詞 in Taiwan. My hubby said I could be a social worker. The local council will pay for my training fee. After I am qualified, I could help the growing Chinese community here.
| 2005-07-31 00:43:49
不小心逛到你的站看到你寫的英文 怎麼錯誤擺出啊?好恐怖!像我以前改國中生寫的作文。 你說你住英國很久,拿了兩個碩士,是怎麼辦到的? 基於好為人師的心理,我把錯誤指出來,你知道要怎麼改嗎?
| 2005-07-31 00:42:48

是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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