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How to choose the secret company correctly?

There are many Hong Kong secretarial companies in the market, but not all companies have the strength and professionalism to provide you with follow-up services at night. Many companies only help you register your Hong Kong company. The follow-up service has been slow to keep up. Overdue and arrears have been frequent, which has led to the company being severely punished by the Hong Kong government.

Why do you need a Hong Kong secretarial company?

According to the provisions of Chapter 32 of the Hong Kong Companies Law: a limited liability company that registers a company in Hong Kong must appoint a company secretary to perform the company's statutory duties. His responsibilities include reporting to the Companies Registry about changes in the company structure, shareholders and directors. It is also necessary to prepare a board meeting for the board of directors, prepare for the annual general meeting and provide professional advice and advice on relevant statutory regulations.

The Hong Kong secretarial company can play the role of uploading. If the Hong Kong registered company does not have the support of the secretarial service, the following will happen: the government and bank letters and telephone faxes cannot be used. This will cause your company to lose contact with the outside world. The customer's mail and trading information will not be processed in a timely manner. Various matters such as annual review and taxation will not be notified in time. It is the customer's responsibility to produce fines in excess.

For the holders of Hong Kong companies, secretarial companies are indispensable, so choosing a professional secretarial company is very important.

How to choose the secret company correctly?

1, don't just look at the price

Nowadays, many secretarial companies on the market are slogans of shocking the sky, advertise their low prices and attract the attention of many customers. However, in the next year, your Hong Kong company will start to have various problems, which will eventually lead to investigation by the government. More serious will be imposed a huge fine by the government. The customer mentioned above is deeply hurt.

Therefore, the bosses must keep their eyes open. After all, professional and meticulous service can be done with time and labor costs. The so-called low-priced secretarial company can only make your company into trouble.

2, whether professional, very important

For the post-maintenance of Hong Kong companies is a very professional service. For each time node, the control must be very precise, in order to effectively avoid various risks for the company. Many low-priced secretarial companies in the market often lack professional skills. The follow-up service can't keep up, and the length of time is wrong.

In addition, the Hong Kong government has now inspected the commercial registration market and introduced a series of new regulations. This situation is a major test for the professionalism of the secretarial company. For example, water supply, important controllers, and other related businesses must be fully provided so that they can truly ensure that their Hong Kong companies are safe.

Usually, after the Hong Kong company is established 12 months later, it will start to file tax returns, but the tax bureau will not issue tax returns as soon as possible, usually within 18-20 months. Early tax payment can avoid waiting for receipt of tax receipts.

After the establishment of a company, it is natural to develop business, but whether it is to sell products or services, it is necessary to establish a brand, in order to protect the business, the registration of Hong Kong trademark and patent application can not be ignored.

JV Consultants Limited can provide you with comprehensive Hong Kong company registration services, to learn more about Hong Kong company registration services, please visit:http://www.jvchk.com .

台長: icdsblog
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