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70-523CSHARP Exam

UPG:Transition MCPD.NET Frmwrk 3.5 Web Dev to 4 Web Dev

科目編號 : 70-523VB

科目名稱 : UPG:Transition MCPD.NET Frmwrk 3.5 Web Dev to 4 Web Dev

語言:    英語

考生:    開發人員

技術:    微軟的Visual Studio 2010

類型:    監考考試


Examsoon考古題價格:$ 120.00 $ 98.00

70-523CSharp考試是 Microsoft 公司的 UPG:Transition MCPD.NET Frmwrk 3.5 Web Dev to 4 Web Dev 認證考試官方代號,UPG:Transition MCPD.NET Frmwrk 3.5 Web Dev to 4 Web Dev 認證作為全球IT領域專家 Microsoft 熱門認證之一,是許多大中IT企業選擇人才標準的必備條件。


Skills Being Measured

Developing Web Forms Pages

Developing and Using Web Forms Controls

Implementing Client-Side Scripting and AJAX

Configuring and Extending a Web Application

Displaying and Manipulating Data

Developing a Web Application by Using ASP.NET MVC 2

Creating Services

Hosting and Configuring Services

Consuming Services

Securing Services

Managing the Service Instance Life Cycle

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Distributed Systems

Modeling Data

Managing Connections and Context

Querying Data

Manipulating Data

Developing and Deploying Reliable Applications

Designing the Application Architecture

Designing the User Experience

Designing Data Strategies and Structures

Designing Security Architecture and Implementation

Preparing For and Investigating Application Issues

Designing a Deployment Strategy

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