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2006-07-13 00:14:54| 人氣59| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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A few days ago, I saw an advertisement about a course called ”Italian culinary art” which made me extremely excited! I’ve no ideas since when I love italian cuisine so much and am so always fantasizing about cooking it as well as a chef!

This two-month course will be conducted at Shangri-la Hotel and be taught by their head chef. Everything sounds so perfect and attractive to me and so does the price which costs $8500 for 8 lessons! Be frank, it’s really too expensive for me and I’d rather buys tons of cookery books to learn by myself. Of course, books will never be better than the head chef’s real time show. Yet, perhaps I’d rather search for a short term cookery course in Italy, learn cooking and can also travel around at the same time! What a life!!!

Perhaps you’ll think I’m so crazy. But, it’s my next goal which keeps me up! What’s your next goal?

台長: 我是廚房
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