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【送禮推薦】Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila 好康報報挖好康



但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

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Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila 設計式樣: Nomad Blue · 2019

The unique and innovative Lila is the first cocoon stroller by the manufacturer Maxi-Cosi. The high level of comfort provided for babies and toddlers will impress parents immediately. With the Lila Duo Kit (available as an accessory) the Lila can be converted into a double stroller for children of almost the same age.

Durable SmoothRide wheels contribute to a comfortable ride on almost any surface. Sprung wheel suspensions compensate for bumps and absorb shocks. The Maxi-Cosi stroller Lila also features swivel front wheels which make it super easy for you to manoeuvre it through town.

With only a few simple steps, the Maxi-Cosi Lila sports seat can be transformed into a stroller seat with a flat recline position. The ShapeOfYou ?seat reducer for newborn babies has been developed in close collaboration with paediatricians. Its ergonomic shape prevents spaces between your baby and the seat and supports a natural reclining position. The preformed recess of the newborn insert can avoid a flat back of the head and the slightly elevated position of baby's head prevents reflux.

The Nap Keeper integrated in the canopy can be extended easily so that your baby is protected from direct sunlight and insects.

The spacious sports seat can be used in a rear-facing or forward-facing mode. Thanks to the multiply-adjustable sitting and resting positions, your little sunshine is always kept in a comfortable position. The climate-regulating reversible mattress is made of a breathable 3D mesh fabric for the summer and a warming fleece side for the winter.

Customise the stroller Lila according to your needs. By using the adaptor included in delivery, you can attach a Maxi-Cosi infant car seat to the chassis and transform the Lila into a super convenient travel system. Even the car-approved carrycot Jade can be installed on the Maxi-Cosi chassis.

The one-hand folding mechanism makes it easier for you to fold and store the stroller. Furthermore, these is a large and spacious shopping basket which is ideal for spontaneous shopping trips - if necessary, you can easily remove the basket.


  • Unique Cocoon stroller, suitable from birth and up

  • Ergonomic ShapeOfYou ??seat reducer (0-4 months)

  • Convertible seat, high level of comfort for baby and toddler

  • One-hand folding mechanism

  • Durable SmoothRide wheels with suspension

  • Climate-regulating reversible mattress

  • Integrated Nap-Keeper - extendable insect and sun protection

  • Multiply-adjustable sitting and resting position

  • Large, removable shopping basket

  • Including parasol clip, rain cover, play bar, wind cover and adaptor for infant car seat

  • Can be transformed to double stroller when combined with the Lila Duo Kit (sold separately)

  • Reversible seat unit

  • Weight: chassis and seat unit 12.8 kg, seat unit 3.7 kg

  • Dimensions: folded L 93 x W 61.3 x H 42 cm (with seat and wheels), unfolded L 104 x W 61.3 x H 100-105.5 cm




Maxi-Cosi St好康報報挖好康roller Lila





劉醇逸:取消SHSAT涉種族歧視 不公平


根據市教育局數據,去年八所特殊高中總共僅有10%的非洲裔和西語裔學生;其中史岱文森高中(Stuyvesant HS)2018年900名新生的族裔構成,900名新生中只有10名非洲裔,比例僅為1.1%。

若實施市長白思豪(Bill de Blasio)日前提出的特殊高中入學改革方案,根據紐約市獨立預算辦公室(Independent Budget Office,簡稱IBO)日前發布的報告,亞裔學生的錄取率將降低50%,而非活動產品生日送禮推薦洲裔學生錄取率在現有基礎上將增加五倍。


作為一名布朗士科學高中(Bronx High School of Science)畢業生,劉醇逸在接受「紐時」訪問時表示,反對這種引起不同族裔間紛爭的計畫,「只會引起人們互相鬥爭」。

劉醇逸表示,他不能接受市教育總監卡蘭扎(Richard Carranza)日前說,僅有某一族裔進入特殊高中的體系言論,「沒有人會忘記或原諒他說過的話」。

但在「紐時」採訪的八位特殊高中校友中,有四人支持白思豪的特殊高中錄取改革計畫,不認同單憑SHSAT考試錄取入學標準,包括史岱文森高中1993年的畢業生瑞普套(Ronald Rapatalo)。



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中華隊業餘野手林瀚擁有豐富國際賽資歷。記者葉姵妤/攝影 分享 facebook 本屆亞運中華棒球隊以業餘球員為主體,陣中包括多名國際賽資歷豐富的好手,但僅姜建銘(2006年多哈亞運,當年為投手)及林瀚、蕭帛庭(2014年仁川亞運)3人曾參與亞運。從昔日業餘小老弟變國家隊主力,林瀚也坦言「壓力更大了。」林瀚雖是國家隊常客,但過往參與亞運、經典賽等高層級的國際賽事,中華隊組成都以職棒球員為主。4年前的仁川亞運,中華隊旅外及兵役列管的中職球員也超過半數(共16人),再加上林瀚、蕭帛庭在內的8名業餘球員。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 中華隊在上屆亞運棒球賽奪銀牌,林瀚指出:「當時有其他職業球員帶著我們,壓力不會那麼大,而且能拿下銀牌,中心打線佔了很大的成分,他們的表現很穩定。」而這次雅加達亞運會,中華隊回歸到以業餘球員為主體,搭配7名中職年輕球員,因此換林瀚、陳偉志、林加祐等國際賽豐富的業餘好手,要扛起帶頭的重任,林瀚也坦言壓力比上屆參賽時更大。「以業餘為主參賽,大家都在看我們能打出什麼成績,但過去有中職跟旅外球員組訓,歷來亞運也只拿過一面金牌(2006),真的沒那麼簡單。」林瀚也提到:「這次我們的表現,也是在為後面的人鋪路,如果我們打得不錯,未來業餘就能有更多的機會。」中華隊在上屆亞運兩度對上南韓隊,分組賽以0:10慘敗,金牌戰則以3:6敗北獲銀牌。林瀚認為,以國內業餘的實力對戰他們以職棒球員組成的陣容,「實力真的有差,而且差滿多的,他們在比賽中所有的細節都做得很好,不會只想著揮大棒,2好球後棒子都很黏。」這次再對上日、韓,林瀚說:「這幾天都有看影片了解他們,南韓這次的水準也很高,但我們不管怎麼樣都不能放棄,他們也是會有失誤的時候,找到突破點後就繼續攻擊;對上日本我們也是有機會,就全力以赴,把握每場比賽我們可以把握的東西。?

Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

推薦, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

折價卷下殺論, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

部落客, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

比較評比, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

使用評比, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

開箱文, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

?推薦, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

評測文, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

CP值, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

評鑑大隊, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

部落客推薦, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila

好用嗎?, Maxi-Cosi Stroller Lila


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