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Everyday Vocabulary #32

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Everyday Vocabulary #32

1. carnal (adj.)  
Ex. As he sat on the plush divan and positioned the photo album on his lap, he felt a carnal hunger stir. (From《Angels & Demons---Ch.10》by Dan Brown)

2. usher (v.) 
Ex. The discovery of oil ushered in an era of employment and prosperity. (From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

3. impeccable (adj.)
Ex. As I expected, the professor’s house is decorated with impeccable taste.

4. pick up on (ph.) 
Ex. Juveniles sometimes like to use slangs that adults can’t pick up on.

5. stir up (ph.)
Ex. Hitler’s speeches stirred up hatred against the Jews. (From CNN Interactive English)






*註:"carnal desire"即為『性慾』


P.S. 這張照片看得出Oliver在賣力的助跑嗎?從上坡滑下去的感覺真不賴,但是好像有點因為助跑用力過猛,稍微拉到一下背,痛了一會兒,唉,老了老了...

台長: Oliver
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全站分類: 興趣嗜好(收藏、園藝、棋奕、汽機車)

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