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2004-05-01 15:21:48

Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos - Ian Stewart

The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. S...

2004-04-29 00:27:42

The million dollar hotel - Izzy

love can never be portrayed the same way as a tree or the sea. or any other mystery. it's the eyes with which we see. it's the sinner in the saint. it's the light inside the paint. 愛無法...

2004-04-26 11:03:57
2004-04-21 19:14:26

希臘 - 李欣頻

希臘 一個把全世界藍色都用光的地方 是最適合失蹤的地方

2004-04-08 00:48:22

盲的旋律 - 庫希斯托


2004-04-04 23:40:54

Under The Tuscan Sun - Frances Mayes

Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game. It's such a surprise.

2004-04-03 14:34:20

Priceless - Bradley Trevor Greive


2004-04-01 02:30:50

We're extremely fortunate - W. Szmborska

We're extremely fortunate not to know percisely the kind of world we live in.

2004-03-24 20:18:32

凡人都寂寞 - 陳昇


2004-03-19 01:09:37

愛的秘笈 - 卡舒嫚


2004-03-17 18:05:02

少女小漁 - 嚴歌苓

小漁點點頭,答應了他的「要是」。 老頭向裏一偏頭,蓄滿在他深凹的眼框裏的淚終於流出來。

2004-02-18 10:06:12

阿Q正傳 - 魯迅


2004-02-18 10:02:07

生死遺言 - 伊能靜


2004-02-14 12:40:49

箴言錄 - 卡夫卡

一種信仰如同一把砍斧, 如此沉重(so schwer), 如此輕盈(so leicht).

2004-02-13 10:12:17

距離與瞭解 - 張南驥

The closer we look, the less we see.

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