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2008-08-23 21:51:46| 人氣114| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Dominique Moceanu

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Dominique Helena Moceanu (born September 30, 1981 in Hollywood, California) is an American gymnast of Romanian descent who was a member of the Olympic Gold medal winning 1996 U.S. Women’s Gymnastics team in Atlanta (the ”Magnificent Seven”).

The hallmarks of Moceanu’s gymnastics, in the early stage of her elite career, were daring tricks on balance beam and spunky, inspired presentations on the floor exercise. In the latter part of her elite career, under the direction of new coaches, she developed a more elegant, mature style. Although she was never considered to be an overwhelmingly innovative gymnast, she did display a high level of difficulty in her gymnastics, particularly on beam and floor.

Moceanu trained under coaches Marta and Béla Károlyi, and later, Luminita Miscenco and Mary Lee Tracy. She earned her first National Team berth at the age of 10 and went on to represent the United States in various major international competitions at the junior level. She was the all-around silver medalist at the 1992 Junior Pan Am Games and the 1994 junior U.S. National Champion. In 1995, at the age of 13 1/2, Moceanu became the youngest gymnast ever to win the senior all-around title at the U.S. National Championships. She was the youngest member of both the 1995 World Championships team and the gold medal-winning 1996 Olympic squad, the Magnificent 7, and was popular with both the public and with gymnastics fans.

Moceanu’s last major success in gymnastics was the 1998 Goodwill Games, where she became the only American ever to win the all-around gold medal. Family issues, coaching changes and injuries derailed her efforts to participate in the Sydney Olympics, and she retired in 2000.

Since retirement, Moceanu has continued to participate in gymnastics exhibitions, work as a coach, and pursue her post-secondary studies. She is currently married and recently became a mother.

今天在看you tube時尋找奧運體操看到這名女孩
真的是讓我傻眼從1994~2000年時間裡 每一次他的比賽
真的好強好強 讓我傻眼~ 不過現在的她已經結婚生孩子了

台長: Aa 小法
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2008-08-27 19:46:26
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