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《【妖畫鬼道】World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010》+07

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Davos-Klosters, Switzerland 27 - 31 January

【Improve the State of the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild】
Adrian Monck, Managing Director, Tel.: +41 (0)22 869 1212 – adrian.monck@weforum.org

• 40th anniversary of the Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos to draw 2,500 leaders from business, government and civil society
• The Forum provides a platform for decision-makers representing all sectors of society to come together and address major issues on the global agenda
• The theme of the Meeting is “Improve the State of the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild”
• For all information about the Annual Meeting, visit www.weforum.org/annualmeeting

Geneva, Switzerland, 20 January 2010 – The 40th anniversary of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is a defining moment for world leaders as they meet under the theme “Improve the State of the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild”. During five days filled with hundreds of working sessions, over 2,500 leaders from more than 90 countries representing business, government, civil society, academia and culture will work together to address pressing challenges and future risks.

“Global multistakeholder cooperation lies at the heart of the Forum’s mission to improve the state of the world,” said Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. Speaking at a press conference at the World Economic Forum’s headquarters in Geneva, Professor Schwab said: “We have to rethink our values – we are living together in a global society with many different cultures. We have to redesign our processes – how do we deal with the issues and challenges on the global agenda. And finally, we have to rebuild our institutions.

“We have to look at the Meeting in the context of what’s happening in the world … and we see that, clearly, the present system of global cooperation is not working sufficiently. So we want to look at all issues on the global agenda in a systemic, integrated and strategic way, and we want to address in particular the issue of global cooperation. This is the reason why our Annual Meeting this year is tailored around the need to rethink, redesign and rebuild.”

The future of Haiti in the aftermath of its devastating earthquake will also be on the agenda: “We hope that we can present a major common effort to the world community showing true corporate global citizenship in Davos,” Professor Schwab said.

Over 1,400 top-level executives from the world’s leading companies will participate this year, drawn principally from the Forum’s Members – the 1,000 foremost companies from around the world and across economic sectors. (Download a list of selected business, public figure and NGO and labour leader participants.)


However, nearly half of participants will come from outside business, including over 30 heads of state or government, at least double that number of government ministers, over 100 heads or top officials from international organizations and NGOs, over 200 leading academics, and more than 200 media leaders.

Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France, will deliver the opening address. Among world leaders participating are from Africa: Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of Tanzania, Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa; from the Americas: Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada (Chair, 2010 G8 Summit), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil and Álvaro Uribe, President of Colombia; from Asia: Lee Myung-Bak, President of the Republic of Korea (Chair, 2010 G20 Summit) and Li Keqiang, Executive Vice-Premier, State Council of the People’s Republic of China; and from Europe: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain.

There will be over 30 social entrepreneurs present in Davos, and this year there will be almost as many labour leaders as central bankers participating, with over a dozen representatives from each category.

Participants in the Annual Meeting are invited by the Forum and its Members by function and role. Women represent around 15% of participants, a figure the Forum is committed to increasing despite an external barrier of significantly weaker representation of women in leadership positions around the world. Of Fortune 1,000 companies fewer than 2.5% are led by women; 15% of government ministers globally are women.

The United Kingdom Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams is among more than a dozen faith leaders in Davos, and he will lead the closing of the meeting with a discussion on “Being Responsible for the Future” alongside young people selected from the Global Changemaker programme of British Council.

The Annual Meeting 2010 programme will focus on six areas:
• How to Create a Values Framework
• How to Strengthen Economic and Social Welfare
• How to Mitigate Global Risks and Address Systemic Failures
• How to Ensure Sustainability
• How to Enhance Security
• How to Build Effective Institutions

The Annual Meeting 2010 Co-Chairs are:
• Josef Ackermann, Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank, Germany; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
• Melinda French Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
• Azim H. Premji, Chairman, Wipro, India
• Peter Sands, Group Chief Executive, Standard Chartered, United Kingdom
• Eric Schmidt, Chairman of the Executive Committee and Chief Executive Officer, Google, USA
• Ronald A. Williams, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Aetna, USA
• Patricia A. Woertz, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), USA

All this work will continue beyond the Annual Meeting. WELCOM, a collaborative platform that integrates Web 2.0 technology, will enable leaders to build knowledge, share insights and reach out to key stakeholders as an online community throughout the year.

Notes to Editors:
More information about the Annual Meeting 2010 at
Programme of the Annual Meeting at http://www.weforum.org/annualmeeting/programme
Connect with the Forum on other social networks at http://www.weforum.org/socialmedia
Press Releases at http://www.weforum.org/pressreleases
For updates about the activities of the World Economic Forum, subscribe to RSS feed


The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

Incorporated as a foundation in 1971, and based in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is impartial and not-for-profit; it is tied to no political, partisan or national interests (http://www.weforum.org).


【A special message on Haiti from Professor Klaus Schwab】


When we meet in Davos most of you will have already pledged generous resources for the present search and rescue operations.

But we want to go beyond that. We want to use Davos to solicit commitments of our partners, members and constituents in the form of practical help for relief of the continued pain of Haiti's people and particularly for the reconstruction of Haiti.

We hope that we can present a major common effort to the world community showing true Corporate Global Citizenship in Davos.

Concrete details for this humanitarian and reconstruction effort of global business will be shared upon your arrival in Davos but will be e-mailed in advance.

Klaus Schwab and the Managing Board of the World Economic Forum


【President of the Republic of Korea Lee Myung-bak to give special address at 40th Annual Meeting】


As the chair of the G20 for 2010 and president of the first Asian country to host the G20 summit, Lee Myung-bak, President of the Republic of Korea, will give a special address at the 40th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting on 28 January. President Lee will also be participating in a plenary session about effective global governance, an issue under the theme of the meeting, "Improve the State of the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild". The G20 Summit will play a pivotal role in reducing the global governance gap and making the world economy stronger, more sustainable and more balanced.


【40th Davos meeting challenges decision-makers to "Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild"】

The 40th anniversary of the Annual Meeting is a defining moment for world leaders as they meet under the theme "Improve the State of the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild". Over 2,500 leaders from over 90 countries representing business, government and civil society will work together on pressing challenges. "We must look at the Meeting in the context of what's happening in the world and we see that the present system of global cooperation is not working sufficiently," said Klaus Schwab. Haiti will feature on the agenda: "We hope we can present a major common effort to the world community showing true corporate global citizenship in Davos," he said.

Press release
Press conference


【World Economic Forum launches Global Agenda Council Reports 2010, a compilation of the Councils' work and proposals】

This new Forum publication is a distillation of the highlights of the tremendously relevant discussions that transpired during the Summit on the Global Agenda 2009 in Dubai in November. It is designed to serve as a springboard for the deliberations that take place during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters and aims to enhance our shared understanding of the state of the world by increasing awareness of the complexity and interlinkages among global issues.

Global Agenda Council Reports 2010


【Prime Minister of Spain to attend 40th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum】

José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain, will be attending the 40th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. Having just taken over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Spain's participation in the Annual Meeting's discussions will play a key role in this year's call for action to reassess the current state for gobal cooperation under the theme "Improve the state of the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild".


【Nicolas Sarkozy to give key speech at World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010】

The President of the Republic of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, will deliver the opening address at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting on 27 January. It will be the first time that a French President has participated in the meeting in Davos-Klosters. His speech will start the debate on the theme of the meeting, "Improve the State of the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild". The five-day event will bring together stakeholders from all sections of the global community. President Sarkozy will make an important contribution to the discussions which aim to find concrete solutions to the current global situation.




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