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2008-09-29 14:55:28| 人氣121| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Fire flies

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I don’t why you hesitate
Everytime you are near me
It is that you fear
You might fall into something deep

Standing on the edge of the night
Feelings raging inside
But if you open your eyes

Can you see the fireflies dancing in the air
Like the stars up in the sky
Feel the gentle breeze caress the night
Oh, it’s time to take to flight
Take my hand I’ll lead you to the places where
I am sure you’ve never been
So just hold me close and we will go
This is how it all begins

Falling in love

演唱:Noella Choi(蔡瑋瑜)

台長: 水靈


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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 用音樂寫心情 |

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